filename: CA293-04780.doc
page 9 of 10
HP Indigo Division Installation Feedback
Complete this form immediately after installation, fax it to the address below, and file it in the press logbook.
Kit name:
Kit part number:
Replacing the MegaRAID iTBBU02 Battery
Customer Support
Evgeny Landau
Hewlett-Packard Company, Indigo Division
Use e-mail if fax unavailable.
Date (d Mon yr):
Press serial number:
Customer name
CE name :
Country/state: Tel:
If any parts listed in the BOM are missing or faulty, enter the following information from the Quality Control
label on the packing box: HP Indigo Quality Control no:.__________________ Date:___________________
Detail the missing or faulty parts in the general remarks field below.
Please answer the following questions:
Was any operator instruction required and has it been done?
Did you test the machine after installing the kit?
How much time did you spend on the following?
pre-installation adjustments
installation procedure
testing and final adjustments
Were the instructions in this document sufficiently clear?
Were there sufficient, easy-to-understand graphics?
Did you need any additional tools or accessories not described in this document?
Were there any specific difficulties or problems during installation?
General remarks:
Thank you for your cooperation