configuring for service instance (MPLS
L2VPN), 192
creating Martini for service instance (MPLS
L2VPN), 163
creating Martini on Layer 3 interface (MPLS
L2VPN), 162
AC packet encapsulation (VPLS), 200
configuring encapsulation (MPLS
L2VPN), 157
PW packet encapsulation (VPLS), 200
AC packet encapsulation, 200
binding service with VPLS instance, 209
configuring, 197
configuring BGP, 207
configuring BGP extension, 207
configuring BGP instance, 207
configuring instance attribute, 210
configuring LDP, 205
configuring LDP instance, 206
configuring MAC address learning, 209
configuring PW redundancy for H-VPLS, 223
displaying, 211
enabling L2VPN and MPLS L2VPN, 203
H-VPLS access mode, 200
H-VPLS with LSP access, 201
H-VPLS with LSP access PW
redundancy, 202
H-VPLS with QinQ access, 201
implementing H-VPLS, 200
loop avoidance, 199
MAC address flooding, 198
MAC address learning, 198
maintaining, 211
packet encapsulation, 200
PW packet encapsulation, 200
resetting BGP connection, 208
troubleshooting, 236
associating instance with interface (MPLS
L3VPN), 262
associating VPN instance with interface (IPv6
MPLS L3VPN), 384
BGP AS number substitution (MPLS
L3VPN), 257
BGP extended community attributes (MPLS
L3VPN), 239
binding service with VPLS instance, 209
carrier's carrier (MPLS L3VPN), 248
CE and PE routing information exchange (IPv6
MPLS L3VPN), 382
configuring (Kompella MPLS L2VPN), 164
configuring BGP (VPLS), 207
configuring BGP AS number substitution (MPLS
L3VPN), 290, 371, 374
configuring BGP extension (VPLS), 207
configuring BGP instance (VPLS), 207
configuring BGP SoO (MPLS L3VPN), 290, 374
configuring BGP VPNv4 subaddress family
common routing (MPLS L3VPN), 271
configuring BGP VPNv4 subaddress family
routing (MPLS L3VPN), 271
configuring BGP VPNv4 subaddress family
specific routing (MPLS L3VPN), 272
configuring BGP-VPNv6 subaddress family
routing (IPv6 MPLS L3VPN), 390
configuring carrier's carrier (IPv6 MPLS
L3VPN), 425
configuring EBGP between IPv6 MCE and
PE, 400
configuring EBGP between IPv6 MCE and VPN
site, 397
configuring EBGP between MCE and PE, 289
configuring EBGP between MCE and VPN
site, 284
configuring EBGP between PE and CE (MPLS
L3VPN), 295
configuring FRR (MPLS L3VPN), 291
configuring HoVPN (MPLS L3VPN), 279, 355
configuring hub-spoke network (MPLS
L3VPN), 314
configuring IBGP between MCE and PE, 289
configuring IBGP between MCE and VPN
site, 285
configuring IBGP between PE and CE (MPLS
L3VPN), 302
configuring instance (IPv6 MPLS L3VPN), 383
configuring instance (MPLS L3VPN), 261
configuring instance attribute (VPLS), 210
configuring instance route related attribute (IPv6
MPLS L3VPN), 384
configuring instance route related attribute (MPLS
L3VPN), 262
configuring instance tunneling policy (IPv6 MPLS
L3VPN), 385
configuring instance tunneling policy (MPLS
L3VPN), 263
configuring inter-AS IPv6 VPN (IPv6 MPLS
L3VPN), 392
configuring inter-AS IPv6 VPN option A (IPv6
MPLS L3VPN), 392, 414