[NPE3-mpls-remote-1] remote-ip
[NPE3-mpls-remote-1] quit
# Enable L2VPN and MPLS L2VPN.
[NPE3] l2vpn
[NPE3-l2vpn] mpls l2vpn
[NPE3-l2vpn] quit
# Create VPLS instance
that uses LDP signaling.
[NPE3] vsi aaa static
[NPE3-vsi-aaa] pwsignal ldp
[NPE3-vsi-aaa-ldp] vsi-id 500
[NPE3-vsi-aaa-ldp] peer
[NPE3-vsi-aaa-ldp] quit
[NPE3-vsi-aaa] quit
# Configure interface GigabitEthernet 2/1/1 and bind VPLS instance
to the interface.
[NPE3] interface gigabitethernet 2/1/1
[NPE3-GigabitEthernet2/1/1] l2 binding vsi aaa
[NPE3-GigabitEthernet2/1/1] quit
Verifying the configuration:
# Execute the
display vpls connection
command on the PEs. The output shows that a PW
connection in up state has been established between the PEs.
Configuring PW redundancy for H-VPLS access
Network requirements
CE 1 and CE 2 are connected to the UPE through an Ethernet.
Establish a U-PW between UPE and NPE 1 and a backup U-PW between UPE and NPE 2. Establish
an N-PW between NPE 1 and NPE 3 and another N-PW between NPE 2 and NPE 3. Configure a
VPLS instance that supports H-VPLS network.
Figure 62 Network diagram
Configuration procedure
Configure an IGP on the MPLS backbone. (Details not shown.)