More powerful, less complex
You can reduce the complexity of system management
and lower your total cost of ownership with HP’s
comprehensive portfolio of mature, proven PC-
management solutions. Not only is the dc7800 HP’s
most flexible and manageable business desktop PC, it is
the result of HP’s dedication to give you comprehensive
business solutions.
In fact, because of a longstanding strategic alliance with
Altiris, HP was first-to-market with a PC equipped with
Intel vPro Technology. Time-tested, steadily upgraded
and enhanced, the dc7800 gives you this advanced
technology and unmatched performance, keeping your
systems running smoothly and more securely.
Longstanding relationship
with Altiris
The HP/Altiris strategic alliance was the first of its kind
in the industry – a unique alliance that extends beyond
sales and marketing to include joint development and
technology sharing. This provides a proven, long-running
history of best-of-breed solutions for HP partners
and customers:
HP Client Manager (HPCM)
Enables centralized hardware management of most HP
and Compaq client computers from a Web browser.
Included in both HP Client Suites and available for
separate download, it uses the same Altiris infrastructure
as other management solutions, so only one
infrastructure with one unique database needs to be set
up and maintained.
HP Client Manager 6.2:
Includes two Altiris
out-of-band management solutions that enable collection-
based management-including asset information, alerts
and power management-of remote computers equipped
with Alert Standard Format (ASF) and Intel Active
Management Technology (iAMT).
HP Client Suites
Bundles of HP and Altiris-created solutions that provide
significant TCO-reduction compared to manual client
management processes, no matter what your level of IT
maturity. The HP Client Foundation Suite (HP CFS) is an
entry-level product for smaller organizations or those just
beginning to automate PC management processes.
The HP Client Premium Suite (HP CPS) is for
organizations that require full client hardware and
software lifecycle management and also includes:
• Altiris Audit Express
• Altiris Client Management Suite Level 1
• HP OpenView Connector
• Altiris Connector Solution
Rapid Deployment Pack
A fast, easy server deployment solution that facilitates
the installation, configuration, and deployment of high
volumes of servers through either a GUI-based or a
web-based console, using either scripting or
imaging technology.
HP Systems Insight Manager Connector
Consolidate deployment and management from one
HP Systems Insight Manager console. The connector
integrates with HP client manager and functions to
better monitor, access and troubleshoot clients remotely
and efficiently.