S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Release Notes for Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 5.2(1)
Deprecated Features
Storage Services Enabler Package
The Cisco MDS 9000 SSE package allows network-based storage applications and services to run on the
Cisco MDS 9000 family SSMs, Cisco MDS 9000 18/4-Port Multiservice Module (MSM-18/4), and
Cisco MDS 9222i. Intelligent fabric applications simplify complex IT storage environments and help
organizations gain control of capital and operating costs by providing consistent and automated storage
management. Refer to the Cisco MDS 9000 SSE package fact sheet for more information.
On-Demand Port Activation License
On-demand ports allow customers to benefit from Cisco NX-OS Software features while initially
purchasing only a small number of activated ports on 8-Gbps or 4-Gbps Cisco MDS 9100 Series
Multilayer Fabric switches. As needed, customers can expand switch connectivity by licensing
additional ports.
I/O Accelerator Package
The Cisco I/O Accelerator (IOA) package activates IOA on the Cisco MDS 9222i fabric switch, the
Cisco MDS 9000 18/4 Multiservice Module (MSM-18/4), and on the SSN-16 module. The IOA package
is licensed per service engine and is tied to the chassis. The number of licenses required is equal to the
number of service engines on which the intelligent fabric application is used.The SSN-16 requires a
separate license for each engine on which you want to run IOA. Each SSN-16 engine that you configure
for IOA checks out a license from the pool managed at the chassis level. SSN-16 IOA licenses are
available as single licenses.
XRC Acceleration License
The Cisco Extended Remote Copy (XRC) acceleration license activates FICON XRC acceleration on the
Cisco MDS 9222i switch and on the MSM-18/4 in the Cisco MDS 9500 Series directors. One license per
chassis is required. You must install the Mainframe Package and the SAN Extension over FCIP Package
before you install the XRC acceleration license. The Mainframe Package enables the underlying FICON
support, and the FCIP license or licenses enable the underlying FCIP support. XRC acceleration is not
supported on the SSN-16.
Deprecated Features
The following features are deprecated in Cisco MDS NX-OS 5.2(1):
LUN zoning
Read-only zones
Broadcast zones
IVR non-NAT mode