Test set specifications for Option 011
HP 85046A/B S-parameter test sets
The HP 85046A/B S-parameter test sets provide the
capability to measure reflection and transmission char-
acteristics (including S-parameters) of two-port
devices in either direction with a single connection.
The test sets are controlled from the HP 8753ES
Option 011 and include a programmable step attenua-
tor. The frequency range of the HP 85046A 50-ohm
test set is 300 kHz to 3 GHz. The HP 85046A has preci-
sion 7-mm connectors. The frequency range of the
HP 85046B 75-ohm test set is 300 kHz to 2 GHz. The
HP 85046B has 75-ohm type-N(f) connectors. Both
connectors can be adapted to other interfaces with
the appropriate precision adapters.
HP 85046A/B Specifications
Note: Specifications that apply only to the HP 85046
are indicated in parentheses.
50 ohm (75 ohm)
Frequency range
300 kHz to 3 GHz
(300 kHz to 2 GHz)
35 dB to 1.3 GHz
30 dB to Fmax
Typical tracking
Transmission magnitude, phase
0.3 MHz to 2.0 MHz
±1.5 dB, ±20˚
2.0 MHz to Fmax
±1.5 dB, ±10˚
Reflection magnitude, phase
0.3 MHz to 2.0 MHz
±1.5 dB, ±25˚
2.0 MHz to Fmax
±1.5 dB, ±10˚
Effective source match
0.3 MHz to 2.0 MHz
14 dB
2.0 MHz to 1.3 GHz
20 dB (17 dB)
1.3 GHz to Fmax
16 dB
Nominal insertion loss
Input to test port
14 dB + 0.5 dB/GHz
(19.5 dB + 1 dB/GHz)
Input to incident
18 dB + 1.5 dB/GHz
(18 dB + 1.5 dB/GHz)
Port 1, 2 to A, B
6.5 dB + 1.0 dB/GHz
(12 dB + 0.5 dB GHz)
Test set switch/repeatability
±0.03 dB; ±0.01 dB
Max. operating level
+20 dBm
Damage level
+30 dBm
RF attenuator range
70 dB, 10 dB steps
DC bias range
±30 VDC, 200 mA
500 mA max
DC bias connectors
50 ohm BNC (f)
four 190 mm (7.5 in) type-N
cables and test set
interconnect cable.
90 mm H x 432 mm W x 553 mm D
9.1 kg (20 lb)
A standard HP 85046A/B test set contains a solid-state
transfer switch, which allows continuous switching of
power from port 1 to port 2 for full two-port error cor-
rection. Option 009 replaces the transfer switch with a
mechanical switch. This provides about 1.5 dB more
power at the test port, but does not allow continuous
switching, so the user must initiate updates of all four
S-parameters for full two-port error correction. Also,
the mechanical switch has relays that will wear out
faster than the solid-state switch. Approximate lifetime
of the mechanical switch is 1 million cycles.
HP 85046A schematic
1. Fmax is the upper frequency limit of the associated test set.
2. Degrees, specified as deviation from linear phase.
3. Typical performance.
4. Some degradation of RF specifications may occur.