hp Jornada 560 series personal digital assistant User’s Guide
hp safe store folder, 80
managing, 80, 81
program, 80, 81
storage, 42, 43, 67, 80, 81
Microsoft Exchange. See Exchange
Microsoft MSN Messenger. See MSN
Microsoft Outlook. See Outlook
Microsoft Passport. See Passport
Microsoft Pocket Excel. See Pocket
Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer.
See Pocket Internet Explorer
Microsoft Pocket Outlook. See Pocket
Outlook, Calendar, Contacts,
Notes, Tasks, Inbox
Microsoft Pocket Word. See Pocket
Microsoft Reader. See Reader
mobile favorites
and favorite links, 66
creating, 66, 67
reducing storage memory for, 67
specifying level of links, 67, 68
synchronizing, 66
update schedule, 67
viewing, 48, 65
mobile phone, 59
modem, 156
CompactFlash card, 58
infrared, 59
installing, 58
MP3 files, 5, 7, 114, 115
MSN Messenger
about, 5, 120
blocking contacts, 122
chatting, 122
contacts, 121
instant messages, 61, 62
My Text, 44
setup, 120
starting, 120
MusicMatch JukeBox, 7, 115
My Text, 44
Navigation bar, 26
navigation pad, 19
network. See LAN
network interface card, 58, 60, 139,
NIC. See network interface card
about, 5, 97, 108
adding to books, 119
creating, 108
drawing, 39
inputting text, 30
recording, 41
writing on-screen, 35
zooming, 141
notification button/LED, 17, 141
OmniSolve, 6, 109, 128
online chat. See MSN Messenger
online Help, 2, 7, 8, 109, 128, 129
Outlook, 2, 7, 48, 51, 68, 69, 74, 75,
97, 100
owner information, 89
partnership, 48, 51, 52, 134, 136, 156
Passport, 120
password, 6, 60, 89, 112, 133, 139
PCM file format, 42
pictures. See hp image viewer
PIM (personal information manager),
3, 14, 50, 51, 52, 82, 83, 84, 85,
133, 136, 156
Pocket Excel
about, 5, 109, 111
customizing display of, 112, 113
file formats, 112
opening spreadsheets, 112
passwords, 112
starting, 112
synchronizing, 111
templates, 112
zooming, 112, 141
Pocket Internet Explorer, 5, 61, 62,
63, 66, 68, 93, 141
Pocket Outlook, 1, 48, 97, 100, 142
Pocket PC Companion CD, 2, 6, 7,
34, 48, 92, 95, 116, 129