Grounding the switch by using the AC power cord
If the installation site has no grounding strips or earth ground, you ground an AC-powered switch through
the PE wire of the power cord, but must make sure:
The power cord has a PE terminal.
The ground contact in the power outlet is securely connected to the ground in the power distribution
room or on the AC transformer side.
The power cord is securely connected to the power outlet.
If the ground contact in the power outlet is not connected to the ground, report the problem and reconstruct
the grounding system.
Figure 15
Grounding through the PE wire of the AC power cord
(1) Three-wire AC power cable
(2) Chassis rear panel
To guarantee the grounding effect, use the grounding cable provided with the switch to connect to the
grounding strip in the equipment room as long as possible.
Installing/removing a power supply
This section applies only to the 5500-24G-SFP EI (2 slots) and 5500-24G-SFP EI TAA (2 slots) switches.
This section uses a PSR150-A power supply as an example to describe the installation and removal of
power supplies.
Installing a power supply