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Table 1-3. Accessories Available (Sheet 1 of 2)
1 6 066A Test Fixture Adapter (furni�hed)':
Section I
The 1 6 066A Test Fixture Adapter has a light-tight
cover that provides electrostatic shielding to ensure
stable, accurate m easurement of extremely low
currents. The 1 6066A accepts the following' test
16067 A Low Leakage Fixture (24-pin DIP)
16068A Low Leakage Fixture (48-pin DIP)
16 069A Universal Low Leakage Fixture
1 6070A General Purpose DIP Fixture
16071A Universal Fixture
16 067 A Low Leakage Fixture (24-pin DIP)
The 1 6077 A Low Leakage Fixture (24-pin DIP) is
equipped with a 24-pin DIP socket and is designed
for extremely low-current m easurements on
packaged devices.
1 6 068A Low Leakage Fixture (48-pin DIP)
The 1 6 068A Low Leakage Fixture (48-pin DIP) is
equipped with
48-pin DIP socket and is designed
extremely low-current
m easurement on
packaged devices.
1 6069A Universal Low Leakage Fixture
All the m easurement ter'minals on the 1 6 069A
Universal Low Leakage Fixture are encased in
interterminal leakage current. The center of the
fixture is covered with a teflon disc to insulate
devices under test from the fixture housing.
Devices to be tested solder directly to the
measurement terminals, making it possible to
m easure virtually any device, component, or
srn all-scale circuit.