iPAQ Pocket PC H3800 Series Reference Guide
3. If you are not using a DHCP server, enter your network settings
From the Start menu, tap Settings
Tap the Connections tab and tap Network Adapters
Tap the name of your Ethernet driver and tap Properties
Tap Name Servers and enter the server information
Tap OK to save the server information
Tap OK to save the network settings
Synchronize links to Web sites
Synchronize links to Web sites from your Favorites list on your computer to view them
offline with Pocket Internet Explorer.
1. From the Start menu on your computer, click Programs
2. Click Internet Explorer
3. Click Favorites to see the list of links to your favorite Web sites
4. To save a Web site link to Mobile Favorites, open the Web site and click Create Mobile
If you have selected Favorite as information to be synchronized and you are connected,
Microsoft ActiveSync 3.5 begins synchronizing with your Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC
once you add a link to Mobile Favorites
5. Follow the instructions in Synchronize information to manually synchronize your
favorite links