[SwitchA-behavior-b4] remark service-vlan-id 102
[SwitchA-behavior-b4] traffic behavior b5
[SwitchA-behavior-b5] remark service-vlan-id 202
[SwitchA-behavior-b5] traffic behavior b6
[SwitchA-behavior-b6] remark service-vlan-id 302
[SwitchA-behavior-b6] quit
[SwitchA] qos policy p1
[SwitchA-policy-p1] classifier c1 behavior b1
[SwitchA-policy-p1] classifier c2 behavior b2
[SwitchA-policy-p1] classifier c3 behavior b3
[SwitchA-policy-p1] classifier c4 behavior b4
[SwitchA-policy-p1] classifier c5 behavior b5
[SwitchA-policy-p1] classifier c6 behavior b6
[SwitchA-policy-p1] quit
[SwitchA] qos apply policy p1 global inbound
# Configure customer-side port Ethernet 1/0/1 as a trunk port, assign the port to CVLANs 1 to 3 and
SVLANs 101, 201, and 301, and enable selective QinQ on the port.
[SwitchA] interface ethernet 1/0/1
[SwitchA-Ethernet1/0/1] port link-type trunk
[SwitchA-Ethernet1/0/1] port trunk permit vlan 1 2 3 101 201 301
[SwitchA-Ethernet1/0/1] qinq enable downlink
[SwitchA-Ethernet1/0/1] quit
# Configure customer-side port Ethernet 1/0/2 as a trunk port, assign the port to CVLANs 4 through
6 and SVLANs 102, 202, and 302, and enable selective QinQ on the port.
[SwitchA] interface ethernet 1/0/2
[SwitchA-Ethernet1/0/2] port link-type trunk
[SwitchA-Ethernet1/0/2] port trunk permit vlan 4 5 6 102 202 302
[SwitchA-Ethernet1/0/2] qinq enable downlink
[SwitchA-Ethernet1/0/2] quit
# Configure network-side port Ethernet 1/0/3 as a trunk port, and assign it to all SVLANs.
[SwitchA] interface ethernet 1/0/3
[SwitchA-Ethernet1/0/3] port link-type trunk
[SwitchA-Ethernet1/0/3] port trunk permit vlan 101 201 301 102 202 302
Many-to-one VLAN mapping configuration example
Network requirements
As shown in
Each home is offered PC, VoD, and VoIP services, and connects to a wiring-closet switch
through the home gateway.
To obtain traffic statistics for each home on the campus switch that is located at the aggregation
layer, map the outgoing traffic from the same home to a specific VLAN on the wiring-closet