Maintenance - Burners
Burner Maintenance
Before carrying out any work on the burner ensure that the main electrical isolating switch is
in the OFF position and the fuel isolating valve closed.
These instructions are provided for the benefit of the
operator and are intended to be of assistance in making
minor adjustments and provifing the burner with proper
maintenance, cleaning and lubrication. Additional
information can be obtained through your installer or
from the manufacturer.
The unit is designed to burn the fuel stated on
the burner nameplate. Under no circumstances
must any other type of oil or gas be used.
In the case of burner fuel conversion, check to see
that the fuel used corresponds with that marked on
the new burner nameplate.
Starting and Stopping
Emergency Stop
The burner can be stopped in an emergency by
switching off the mains isolating switch provided on
the line between the burner and the electric supply.
The installer must identify the switch. Check position
of this switch or any "panic button" available.
• Check the Burner Operation
Inspect burner flame periodically. If it becomes lop
sided or there is any noticeable change in flame
colour, call the service engineer.
When cleaning the room housing the heater unit,
always switch off the burner to reduce the amount
of dust and lint drawn in through the air inlet.
Preventive Maintenance
Consult your heating engineer for advice on regular
prevetive maintenance intervals.
Gas Supply
Should the gas supply be interrupted, the system
may require venting of air that may have
accumulated, before the burner is restarted. This
is achieved by unscrewing the pressure test point
situated down-stream of the main govenor or
combination valve and venting the air to atmosphere
until gas has reached the test point.
WARNING: No smoking or naked lights to be
allowed as a gas/air mixture is
Periodical examination of all pipework should
be carried out. The recommended method is
to brush a soap solution around all the jointed
areas. A leak in the system would have the
effect of forming bubbles.
CAUTION: Do not place any items in the boiler
combustion chamber as it is not
suitable for burning waste.
Oil pump
See burner manufacturers manual.
Gas train items and gas leak detectors
For maintenance of these units refer to the
manufacturers manual.
Keep the burner motor clean and dry. Any deposits
of dust or lint should be blown out occasionally. On
motors provided with oiling holes, a few drops of
high quality SAE 20 oil should be injected every six
months. Surplus lubricant spreading from the
bearings should be wiped away. Some motors have
sealed-for-life bearings; these require no
Fan Runner
Keep the fan blades clean and free from oil and
build up of dust or deposits picked up from a dusty
Oil Strainer/Filter
Replace filter element anually.
Nozzles, Flame Plate and Electrodes
Maintenance by the boiler operator is usually limited
to checking the condition of these items only whilst
the boiler door is open. Servicing the oil or gas
nozzle, which may require dismantling, and
replacement of parts should be left to the service
The boiler operator may wipe off deposits of soot
and oil from the flame plate and nozzle taking care
not to disturb the parts. Check the electrodes are
set correctly after referring to the burner
manufacturers manual.
Flame Sensor
Remove and clean the flame sensor which is an
ultraviolet cell for gas or photo-electric cell for oil
with methylated spirit on a lint free cloth. Do not
handle window of the flame sensor after cleaning.
Remove the flame sensor before
attempting to remove the burner inner
August 2014