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funcTIonaL prIncIpLe of THe HeaTIng sysTeM
functional principle of the heating system
It is important that the perfectly coordinated individual components function properly to ensure that your home stays
warm in winter.
Burns the pellets safely and in an environmentally friendly
Extracts the heat from the combustion gases and transfers
it to the heating water.
The process of combustion within the boiler converts the
natural energy contained in the pellets into heat.
Is used for intermediate storage of hot
heating water
(max. 80°C). It thus compensates for any differences be-
tween heat generation and demand.
Holds a reserve of
domestic hot water
for household con-
sumption (e.g. for showering).
Controls and monitors the operation of the boiler. Main-
tains the desired room temperature optimally and fuel-effi
ciently, independent of the outside temperature.
Releases the heat of the heating water into the room.
Transports the heating water from the boiler to the radia-
tors and back into the boiler, where it is reheated.
Transports the heat which is generated from the boiler to
the radiators.
Wood pellet
heating water
buffer storage tank
Storage tank
Boiler controller
with heating regulator
underfloor heating, if fitted
Heating pump
Heating water
and heating pipes