Houston Radar PD420 User Manual
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sets the low speed cutoff to 5 etc.
Note: Variables are case sensitive. Commands are not. Success is indicated by an "OK".
Failure is indicated by either:
"ERROR" - Command was recognized but some other error occurred, e.g. variable not
present, format not correct, etc.
<nothing returned> - Command was not recognized. Entire line was silently discarded.
This ensures that spurious characters like “Enter”, “Line Feed” or other ASCII chars do
not generate "ERROR" reply when you are not expecting it.
- reset the radar
- print out information about the radar. Information is in the format of
<tag>=<value>. New tags may be added in the future. Order of tags is not guaranteed and
may change with firmware version.
Note: when sending the ASCII command via an attached microcontroller, the “Enter” key
press should be replaced by a carriage return and/or line feed ASCII character.
Note: the radar may support other ASCII commands. They are reserved for factory use.
Supported variables as of firmware v132:
Non-volatile variables (domain 0):
L1...L6 - lane configuration variables
RS - serial port configuration variable
TC - CTC (clutter time constant) in seconds
ST - sensitivity, percent of max
SF - tracking filter selection
KY - software key, do not change this.
MO - mode variable, contains flags for various options
io - factory set variable, specifies installed IO drivers
an - factory set assembly number
op - factory set options
M1...M6 - mapping between configured lanes and IO
AH - active high/active low configuration for IO
HT - hang (extension) time for IO, milliseconds
SD - slave delay in us, only used in dual-radar setup
BN - data saving interval, minutes
TA - time interval for computing averages, seconds
MD – mode variable, contains flags for various options
bc - reserved
Volatile variables (domain 2):
SM - binary streaming control