PD420 Live Lane Setup Step-By-Step Example Continued…
This road has 4 lanes (gray) with a median in
between (white).
Even though targets (sometimes double
reflections or a curb or a lane divider) may be
detected as red line in the median, they will
not affect lane counts or other lane based
data collected by the radar or trigger digital
You can adjust the lane
locations, add or delete a lane)
by right clicking and selecting
“Edit Lanes…” and bringing up
this window.
To match the direction of the traffic, you can split the
screen in two in the center and start drawing some
lane on the right side of the split to scroll the other way
(left to right). T=0 (now) then becomes in the center as
shown here.
Note: This is a display feature for convenience only
and does NOT affect the radar at all as the radar
cannot determine traffic direction in side-fire mode.
If you wish this lane to scroll from center
split to right, draw the lane by clicking on the
right side of the split. The target will then
appear on the right side of the line and scroll
right to match the direction of traffic.
When screen is split, t=0
(now) is in the center where
the split is shown.