The CONSTANT HEART RATE program will automati-
cally control the resistance of the pedals to keep your
heart rate near a target level during your workout.
The VARIABLE HEART RATE program will automati-
cally control the resistance of the pedals to keep your
heart rate within a target range during your workout.
1. Press any button or begin pedaling to activate
the console.
2. Select a HEART RATE program.
To select one of the two HEART RATE programs,
first press the CUSTOM/HEART RATE button
repeatedly until the name of the desired heart rate
program appears in the main display. A profile of
the resistance settings of the program, the maxi-
mum resistance level, the program time, and the
maximum rpm setting for the program will also
appear in the display. Then, press the ENTER but-
ton to confirm your selection.
3. Enter a maximum heart rate setting.
A moment after you select a HEART RATE pro-
gram, the words “ENTER MAXIMUM
PERCENTAGE” and a percentage setting of 65 will
flash in the main display. The maximum heart rate
setting represents a
of your
maximum heart rate.
Note: Your maximum heart
rate is estimated by subtracting your age from 220.
For example, if you are 30 years old, your esti-
mated maximum heart rate is 190 beats per minute
(220 – 30 = 190). Therefore, if you are 30 years
old, a target heart rate setting of 50% is equal to 95
beats per minute (50% of 190 is 95).
To enter a maximum heart rate setting, press the
increase and decrease buttons beside the ENTER
button. Then, press the ENTER button.
4. Press the START button or begin pedaling to
start the program.
Each HEART RATE program is divided into 30
one-minute segments. One target heart rate setting
is programmed for each segment. Note: If you
selected the CONSTANT HEART RATE program,
the same target heart rate setting is programmed
for all segments.
During the program, the program profile will show
your progress. The console will regularly compare
your heart rate to the target heart rate setting for
the current segment of the workout. If your heart
rate is too far below or above the target heart rate
setting, the resistance of the pedals will automati-
cally increase or decrease to bring your heart rate
closer to the target heart rate setting. Each time
the resistance changes, the resistance level will
appear in the display for a few seconds to alert
You will also be
prompted to pedal at a
steady pace so you
can maintain your tar-
get heart rate. As you
exercise, keep your
pedaling pace near the target rpm setting for the
current segment, which is shown in the main dis-
IMPORTANT: The target rpm settings are
intended only to provide motivation. Your
actual pace may be slower than the target rpm
settings. Make sure to pedal at a pace that is
comfortable for you.
The program will continue in this way until the last
segment of the profile flashes. To stop the program
at any time, stop pedaling or press the PAUSE but-
ton. To resume the program, simply resume
pedaling or press the START button. To exit the
program at any time, press the CLEAR button.