Seed calibration direct input
If a seed, fertiliser or liquid fertiliser is repeti-
tively used, only the first calibration must be
performed, whereby the calibration factor and
the associated rotor should be recorded.
When using the same seed, fertiliser or liquid fer-
tiliser again, the value can be entered directly..
Direct entry of the calibration value
should only be used for absolutely iden-
tical seeds or fertilisers. The same rotor
should also be installed, as otherwise a
wrong quantity will be placed.
If the machine is equipped with a liquid fertiliser
system, the calibration factor of approx. 600
pulses per litre must be entered here.
Due to the consistency differences in liquid
fertilisers the value needs to be matched to the
actual placement quantity.
For this purpose use the first measurable place-
ment deviations from the nominal quantity to
calculate the percentage and change the calibra-
tion factor by the same percentage.
The deviation is displayed in the menu bar "per-
formance data" (second work page with key "i")
in the calculated amount in litres to the actually
placed quantity.
If the displayed quantity is lower than the actu-
ally placed quantity the calibration value must
be reduced and vice versa.
Control factor
The control factor influences the control speed
of the computer.
In case of speed changes the nominal place-
ment quantity must be quickly reached again.
With a high control factor the computer tries to
reach the nominal value in larger steps.
In this case the display changes rapidly with the
corresponding deviations around the setpoint.
A small control factor needs slightly longer to
reach a setpoint, but the deviations are much
Based on experience made in the past the con-
trol factor should be set to 0.5.
Fertiliser reduction
In case of fertiliser reduction one can determine
whether solid and liquid fertiliser quantities
should be reduced by standard for tram lines.