A u g u s t 2 3 , 2 0 1 8
P a g e 99 | 158
12.7 STP Examples
Example 1
10,000,000 steps control sequence
The following example starts at 2.5kHz and ramps up to 5kHz during the first 1,000,000
steps. Then, it runs at 5kHz for the next 8,000,000 steps. Finally, during the last 1,000,000
steps it slows to a stop.
Set %AQ1 = 2500 (Hz)
{Start Frequency}
Set %AQ2 = 5000 (Hz)
{Run Frequency}
Set %AQ3-4 = 1000000 (Steps)
{Accel Count}
Set %AQ5-6 = 8000000 (Steps)
{Run Count}
Set %AQ7-8 = 1000000 (Steps)
{Decel Count}
Example 2
5,000,000 steps control sequence
The following example starts at 0.5kHz and ramps up to 1kHz during the first 2,000,000
steps. Then, it runs at 1kHz for the next 2,000,000 steps. Finally, during the last 1,000,000
steps it slows to a stop.
Set %AQ1 = 500 (Hz)
{Start Frequency}
Set %AQ2 = 1000 (Hz)
{Run Frequency}
Set %AQ3-4 = 2000000 (Steps)
{Accel Count}
Set %AQ5-6 = 2000000 (Steps)
{Run Count}
Set %AQ7-8 = 1000000 (Steps)
{Decel Count}
Example 3
6,000,000 steps control sequence
The following example starts at 50Hz and ramps up to 250Hz during the first 150,000
steps. Then, it runs at 250Hz for the next 5,500,000 steps. Finally, during the last 350,000
steps it slows to a stop.
Set %AQ1 = 50 (Hz)
{Start Frequency}
Set %AQ2 = 250 (Hz)
{Run Frequency}
Set %AQ3-4 = 150000 (Steps)
{Accel Count}
Set %AQ5-6 = 5500000 (Steps)
{Run Count}
Set %AQ7-8 = 350000 (Steps)
{Decel Count}
The highest usable frequency is 65kHz for the PWM output. This is only achievable on a
Model 6 unit, Models 2-5 max output frequency is approximately 10kHz. Refer to datasheet for
more details.