A u g u s t 2 3 , 2 0 1 8
P a g e 113 | 158
XLE/XLT hardware is programmed with a Windows based PC application called Cscape. This
application can be used to program, configure, monitor and debug all aspects of the XLE/XLT
unit. Please see the on-line help provided with Cscape for additional details.
Updating Programs from First Generation to Second Generation XLE/XLT
After 11 years on the market, the XLE and XLT hardware was updated to provide better
performance and additional features. Generation 1 products did not feature integrated
Ethernet, so if the part number contains an E like HE-XT1E0 or HE-XE1E6 it is a second-
generation unit. Devices without integrated Ethernet can be checked using the hardware
revision after the part number. Hardw
are revision “T” and later are G
eneration 2 products.
For example, XE-XE103T
B is hardware revision “T.”
NOTE: In Europe, the new XLE starts at Rev RA, and the new XLT starts at Rev KA.
Cscape programs created for the first generation XLE and XLT can be loaded into Generation 2
products without any changes.
If you created PGM files to be loaded into XLE or XLT devices via the microSD card, then these
can be used.
If your configuration contains no downloadable protocols, then you can use the PGM without
any changes.
If your PGM contains downloadable protocols, then you can either recreate the PGM with
Cscape 9.8 or later, or you can use the PGM Update utility that distributes with Cscape 9.8 or
later. The utility is located in the main Cscape folder and is called PGMUpdateUtility.exe.
Running this allows inputting the old PGM filename and it will update it to a new file for download
into Generation 2 (Rev T or later) products.