N o v e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 2 1
P a g e 29 | 194
5.4 View Status
The View Status Sub-Menu displays up to 19 System Settings. Only the Mode System Setting is
XL1yz = Model number of this XL4/XL4 Prime OCS unit
1yz = indicates the installed I/O module
00 = no I/O module
Idle = XL4/XL4 Prime OCS is in Idle mode
DoIO = XL4/XL4 Prime OCS is in Do I/O mode
Run = XL4/XL4 Prime OCS is in Run mode
Scan Rate (mS):
= XL4/XL4 Prime OCS is not in Run mode
0.1 to 999.9 = Average number of mS for each ladder scan
Lcl Net Use %:
0.0 to 100.0 = CAN network bandwidth % used by this
XL4/XL4 Prime OCS node
All Net Use %:
0.0 to 100.0 = CAN network bandwidth % used by all nodes
Ladder Size:
x = Number of bytes in application ladder program
Config Size:
x = Number of bytes in application I/O configuration
Graphics Size:
x = Number of bytes in application graphic screens
String Size:
x = Number of bytes in application string table
Bitmap Size:
x = Number of bytes in application bitmaps
Text Tbl Size:
x = Number of bytes in application text tables
Font Tbl Size:
x = Number of bytes in application font tables
Protocol Size:
x = Number of bytes in application downloaded protocols
SMS File Size:
x = Number of bytes in application SMS protocol configuration
Firmware Rev:
xx.yy = Current firmware version
x.y = Current FPGA version (High Speed IO Sub System)
InitRD Rev:
x.yz = Bootloader version
OS Ver:
a.b.cd.yz = Current Operating System version
Ok = All power-on self-tests passed
Fault = One or more power-on self-tests failed