N o v e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 2 1
P a g e 120 | 194
12.6 Ethernet Configuration
IP Parameters
For primary operation, the IP address, Net Mask, and Gateway should be set in the LAN config
of the Cscape Hardware Configuration. There are options to get IP parameters from the LAN
Config or to get parameters from registers. It is possible to set the Ethernet IP parameters
from the OCS System Menu, but only as a temporary measure. The following points on IP
parameter configuration should be considered.
IP Parameters in Non-Volatile RAM: The IP parameters of the Cscape LAN Config are
written to non-volatile RAM on power down. IP parameter settings made in the System
Menu are not written to non-volatile RAM. Any IP parameters settings made in the
System Menu will be lost after cycling power to the unit. It will revert to the last
downloaded Cscape LAN Config that was loaded into non-volatile RAM at power down.
“Cscape LAN Config”/ “Get Settings from” Configuration: When ‘Get settings from’ is
set to Configuration, the IP parameters specified under ‘Default Settings’ i
s used after
downloading to the controller. The IP parameters are represented in System Menu /
Set Networks and can be edited. However, any edits made from System Menu / Set
Networks is not retained through a power cycle. After power cycle, the unit reverts to
the last downloaded Cscape LAN Config that was loaded into non-volatile RAM at
power down.
“Cscape LAN Config” / “Get Settings from” Register: When ‘Get settings from’ is set to
Register, the IP parameters are retrieved from the OCS registers assigned in LAN
Config. Configured registers must be populated with the desired IP parameters.
The IP parameters are represented in System Menu / Set Networks.
The IP parameters cannot be edited from System Menu / Set Networks while the unit is
in run mode.
The IP parameters always follow the values in the registers unless the OCS unit is
placed in idle mode. Then the IP parameters can be edited in System Menu / Set
Networks. When the OCS is placed back into run mode, it reverts to the registers for IP
12.7 Ethernet Module Protocol Configuration
The Protocol Support area contains a list of all the protocols supported by the platform being
configured. To activate a protocol, check its checkbox.
For protocols that require additional configuration, click on a listed protocol to select it and
then click the Configure Selected Protocol button. This will open a new dialog with configuration
options for the selected protocol.
For detailed information on individual protocol configuration, refer to latest version of ETN 300
Manual SUP0740 on the Horner website.
North America