Control Horn Locations and Surface Centering
Control Direction Test
Test the controls prior to the fi rst fl ight to ensure none of the
servos, linkages or parts were damaged during shipping and
handling and the controls function in the correct directions.
Move the rudder stick to the right. The rudder should move to
the right. This will cause the aircraft to yaw and bank to the
right in fl ight.
Move the rudder stick to the left. The rudder should move to
the left. This will cause the aircraft to yaw and bank to the left
in fl ight.
Pull the elevator stick backward. The elevator should move
up. This will cause the nose of the aircraft to pitch up in fl ight.
Push the elevator stick forward. The elevator should move
down. This will cause the nose of the aircraft to pitch down
in fl ight.
Stick Movement
Control Surface Reaction
Both the elevator and rudder clevises should be in the outer
holes of the control horns, as shown in the illustrations.
Additionally, the elevator should be raised 1mm from center
when the transmitter trim is centered.
The rudder should be centered with centered trim. If either
surface is not positioned correctly, gently open the clevis and
pull the pin from the control horn. Turn the clevis in or out to
adjust the control surface position. Reconnect the clevis to the
control horn, ensuring the pin is in the proper hole.
Rudder, viewed from the top
(some detail removed for clarity)
Elevator, viewed from the left
Clevis removal and adjustment
Outer hole
Outer hole