HobbyZone Super Cub • Instruction Manual
Hand Launch
On first flights, hand-launch the model so you can concentrate on use of the
transmitter. Get help to hand-launch the model.
1. Make sure the battery is fully charged.
2. Power on the transmitter.
3. Install the flight battery in your model and connect the battery and model blue
E3C power connectors.
When hand-launching your model alone, hold the model in your
strongest hand and the transmitter in your weaker hand.
4. Carefully increase transmitter throttle control to FULL (100%).
5. Throw the model into the wind (less than 5–7 mph (8–11km/h)) while keeping
the model’s wings parallel to the ground.
6. Let the model rise at full throttle, into the wind, until the model gets 200 feet
(61 meters) above the ground, then move the throttle to half (50%). Your
model’s wing design causes a climb at full throttle without use of elevators.
Runway Takeoff
When ready for the challenge, launch your Super Cub by flying up from the ground
in a runway takeoff (or ROG, rise off ground). To take off from a runway:
1. Correctly install landing gear on your model.
2. Put the model down on its landing gear on a large area of open and smooth
asphalt or concrete, with the model’s nose pointing into the wind (less than
5–7 mph (8–11km/h)).
3. Stand behind your model so you can see the rudder, elevators and wheels.
4. Slowly move the throttle stick to FULL (100%) while pulling back the elevator
stick a small amount. Move the rudder to keep the model’s nose pointed into
the wind.
Using the elevator stick helps keep the tail wheel on the ground so moving
the rudder points the model into the wind.
5. When the battery is fully charged, your model rises from the ground in ap
proximately 30 feet (12 meters). Use a small amount of UP elevator by pulling
back on the elevator stick and the plane will rise from the ground in a shorter
distance. Do not use too much UP elevator during takeoff or the aircraft may
stall due to decreased lift. A stall at low altitude may result in a crash.