Checking for Cleanliness and Condition of the Battery
A clean battery is absolutely necessary, in order to avoid reduced service life and availability
of the battery. Cleaning of cell carriers, trays, racks and insulators is necessary in order to
maintain the required insulation of the cells from each other, from the earth, and from other
extraneous conductive parts.
In addition, damage caused by corrosion and leakage can be avoided. Cleaning of batteries
is not only necessary to ensure high availability required, but is also an essential part of
accident prevention regulations.
1. Keep the cells of the battery system clean and dry since dust and moisture can lead to
leakage currents.
2. Keep screws, connectors and cable lugs clean.
3. Thoroughly remove any contamination using a clean, damp cloth.
4. Check the batteries according to the following criteria:
Contamination: Battery cells must be clean.
Ventilation: Ventilation openings must be unobstructed
Cells, the racks or cabinets must be free from mechanical damage
Connectors, screws and cables must be tight.
Plugs are mounted correctly (no electrolyte stains on the plugs or on the cells)
5. Keep a log of your maintenance activities, see
13.2 Maintenance Log on page 57.