Play List
After finishing the library setting, the play list can be created, and classified into two types: Public
and Private, which are shown as below. Please refer to chapter X-DCS3000 for the operation of
add, edit and delete.
Select some play list, the all the audio files of that list would be displayed in the Contents view. Left
click and drag the audio files in the library into the Contents view, and the audio files have been
added in the play list.
The user can reorder the audio files as needed:
icon to move forward the selected audio file.
icon to move backward the selected audio file.
icon to delete the selected audio file.
Task is used to view, add, modify or delete broadcast task, as shown below:
Task List
The Play List displays all the task name, type, audio source, priority, delay, loop, recovery, play full,
busy wait and output dry contacts.
Add Task
Click the icon
at the top right corner, the add task window will be displayed as below: