If the steam humidifier owner’s home has water tested in range 1 on the water test strip, the Honeywell Reverse
Osmosis (RO) Filtration System (HM600XROF1) should be installed in the water supply line. Failure to use the RO
kit in these situations will lead to increased maintenance requirements and possible failure of the steam humidifier
and its components.
The RO Filtration System consists of a base chassis, with three filter cylinders:
Water first passes through the #1 sediment removal filter.
Then it passes through the #2 reverse osmosis filter.
Clean water fills the #3 clean water staging tank and the storage tank reserve.
Finally, this reserve flows into the steam humidifier tank when the tank runs low and the solenoid valve opens. A
drain line carries reject water from the RO Filtration System to a suitable drainage point in the home.
Parts of the RO Filter
Base Chassis
1. Sediment Removal Filter
– Replace at least
once each humidification season.
2. Reverse Osmosis Filter
– Replace at least
once each humidification season.
3. Clean Water Staging Tank
– Not necessary
to replace, but unscrew and empty water at the end
of a humidification season.
Empty an
(do not replace)
Reverse Osmosis Filter
Steam Humidifier System 69-2285—09