Make sure the homeowners know what to expect from their steam humidifier. Discuss the following points with the
homeowners and answer any questions they have.
Achieving Humidity Setpoint.
It may take up to a week of continuous operation to achieve the humidity
setpoint. This depends on such factors as weather, size of home, furnishings in the home, and insulation.
Plastic or Rubber Odor.
At startup, it is normal to smell a slight plastic odor in the home. If the remote hose is
used, there may be a slight rubber odor. These odors will go away within a few days.
Ideal Humidity.
35% – 45% relative humidity in typical winter weather is considered ideal by industry experts.
Homeowners can adjust to their own comfort or until there is condensation on the windows. Lower the setpoint
if condensation appears.
Unit Not Humidifying.
If steam humidifier is not running but the humidity is below the setpoint, the humidity
control may have a frost protection setting. Steam humidifier will not humidify while in a drain cycle mode.
Setpoint Not Reached.
If humidity doesn’t reach the setpoint, steam humidifier may be undersized for the
home. This can be due to factors such as insulation, windows, and arid climate. Also, the outdoor temperature
may be too low to maintain the humidity level. Wait for the outdoor temperature to warm closer to 20°F (-6°C). If
the desired humidity is still not reached, then a larger capacity steam humidifier may be needed.
Home Ventilation.
Excessive ventilation sends moist air outside and replaces it with dry air. This can make it
hard to maintain the humidity setpoint. If installing a ventilator, use a solution that retains moisture. An Energy
Recovery Ventilator (ERV) is recommended.
Cleaning Required Light.
If the Cleaning Required light is on, clean steam humidifier using the steps found in
“Routine Maintenance”
section on page 44, or in the
Homeowner’s Operating Manual
. Steam Humidifier
will continue to run normally while this light is on.
Hard Water.
The home’s water hardness determines how often steam humidifier must be cleaned. A water
hardness test kit is provided with your steam humidifier. It will help you determine the cleaning interval and
filter requirements for your steam humidifier.
Energy Consumption.
There may be a slight increase in overall energy consumption when operating
any humidifier. However, steam humidifier will make the home feel warmer. This allows the homeowner to lower
the temperature setting on the thermostat. Every degree lower on the thermostat can save up to 3% on
heating costs.
Setting Homeowner Expectations
Steam Humidifier System 69-2285—09