Revision 5.0
ST 800 Series HART/DE Option User’s Manual
Page 75
7.4 Dual / Triple Calibration
The transmitter will have the required calibration set as selected by the user when the transmitter is
purchased; either single, dual or triple calibration.
Calibration A (Cal A) standard
Calibration B (Cal B)
Calibration C (Cal C)
Each factory calibration set (A, B or C) includes a calibration performed at LRV pressure and one
performed at URV pressure.
Once the transmitter is in the field the user will be able to select one of the 3 factory calibration sets.
The user can select one of the calibrations directly or select automatic mode which will pick the set
that most closely matches the currently programmed URV and LRV values. The calibration selection
is re-evaluated whenever a new range is written (new URV and LRV values) or the selection is
If all three calibrations have not been performed at the factory then set A is selected and the default
values have no effect on the PV value.
If we load ST800 DD file in MCTOOL KIT, we will able to see under below path
Select the My Device menu, and choose from the following selections:
Device Setup \ Calibration \ Factory Calibration Selection->
:-> Factory Cal Available: A or A&B or A&B&C
:-> Cal A URV
:-> Cal A LRV
:-> Cal B URV
:-> Cal B LRV
:-> Cal C URV
:-> Cal C LRV
:-> Calibration Selection: A or B or C, AUTO Select
: ->Active Calibration: Cal A, Cal B, Cal C