HS--700 High Speed Data System
30 Aug 2002
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(1) The HSU is supplied with a CDM, which is plugged into the rear panel of the HSU.
The CDM stores all installation and user specific data and is designed to remain with
the aircraft. This allows easy replacement of the HSU, without the need for a
reconfiguration of the CDM. The CDM stores the following parameters:
ISN Number
Forward and Return ID
CDM Model Number
CDM Serial Number
CDM Data Type Version
Allowed Land Earth Station (LES)
Preferred LES
Default LES
Initial Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) (e.g. 22.5 to 25.0 dBW)
Minimum Initial EIRP (e.g. 22.5 dBW)
Minimum Call EIRP (e.g. 17 dBW)
MPDS Initial EIRP (e.g. 22.5 dBW)
MPDS Interface Selection (Ethernet or EIA/TIA--232)
Receive (RX) Cable Loss
Transmit (TX) Cable Loss
Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) Access Levels.
(2) All parameter values and settings except for the protected and non--changeable
values can be read out from the CMT interfaces. This makes it possible to store all
the information on a floppy disk.
(3) Each CDM is configured from the manufacturer with ISN numbers, IDs, and default
values for all of the configuration parameters. If a defective CDM is replaced on an
aircraft, all of the configuration parameters must be reentered into the new CDM
through the CMT. Two CDMs cannot have the same ISN and IDs.
H. Boot Loader
(1) All software in the HSU (except for the boot loader) can be downloaded through the
CMT interfaces without any hardware modifications. New software is loaded using
the X--modem protocol with 1024 byte packets and cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
on all packets. The transfer rate is 9.6 kbps (fixed) except for software upload on the
CMT1 (front panel) interface, which is 115.2 kbps. During download, the HSU verifies
the software for compatibility and errors (CRC). A command in the debug shell lists
the loaded file with CRC and version information.