107062-12 EN FR26 GLO 501 Printed in France
Diagonal and Right-Angle Mounting
To prevent operating personnel from access to danger zone, install hard guard or right-angle mounting if
distance between danger zone and closest light beam is greater than 70 millimeters (2.8 in.).
Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.
For point-of-operation guarding, the safety light curtain(s) and any hard guarding must be installed so that no
person can stand between the light curtain and the danger zone without being detected. Installation may
require additional hard guarding, horizontal or diagonal mounting of the light curtain (see figure 2-12), or
additional light curtains mounted at right angles to each other (see figure 2-13).
Figure 2-12 Diagonal Mounting
Elevation View
A right-angle mounting arrangement may be used if the altered resolution at the joint is acceptable to the local
regulatory agency. If right-angle mounting is used, the units must be mounted so the synchronization beams
are as far apart as possible (see figure 2-13). The emitters and receivers units should be mounted with
opposite orientations to prevent mutual interference or cross-talk.
Figure 2-13 Right-Angle Mounting
Mounting Hardware
FF-SB Series light curtains are designed with an easy to use T-slot mounting system. Three styles of
mounting brackets are available. Each style bracket includes the necessary mounting accessories (bolts,
nuts, washers, and vibration dampeners) to mount one emitter or one receiver unit.
Properly ground FF-SB Series light curtain housing by connecting earth ground through the connector.
Vibration dampeners electrically isolate FF-SB light curtain housing from mounting surface.
Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.