Safety Information
Use the detector only as specified in this manual and the reference guide,
otherwise the protection provided by the detector may be impaired.
Read the following cautions before using the detector.
• The BW Clip4 will not detect some combustible gases like Hy-
drogen or Acetylene. For detectable combustible gases, see
Detectable Combustible Gases
on page 29. If your applica-
tion has one or more of these hazards, please consult Honey-
well Analytics to determine the best solution.
• Substitution of components may impair Intrinsic Safety.
• Honeywell Analytics recommends performing a bump test prior to
each day’s use to confirm sensor response and alarm activation by
exposing the detector to a concentration of target gas that exceeds
the low alarm set point. Honeywell Analytics also recommends
performing a bump test if the detector has been subjected to phys-
ical impact, liquid immersion, an Over Limit alarm event, custody
changes, or anytime the detectors performance is in doubt.
• Special Condition of Safe Use: The BW Clip4 is provided with anti-
static coating over the LCD window to minimize risk of ignition due
to electrostatic discharge. Periodic inspection of this coating is re-
quired to ensure no degradation, delamination, abrasions or other
deformities to this surface. Care must be taken to avoid exposure
to excessive heat, harsh chemicals or solvents, sharp edges and
abrasive surfaces. Clean only with a damp cloth.
• The flammable sensor in BW Clip4 is infrared type sensor. The
special care is needed: keep flammable sensor out of contact with
aggressive substances e.g. acidic environments which can react
with metals, as well as solvents which may affect polymeric mate-
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