User Preferences
Bump Interval:
Define how often a bump test should be done.
STEL interval:
Define the period of time after which a STEL alarm is triggered. This
parameter is available only for H
S and CO. The available range is 5 to
15 minutes.
Display Decimal:
Determine whether to express as an integer or tenths decimal. This pa-
rameter is available only for H
Low Alarm Trigger:
This parameter is available only for O
. Determine whether to generate
a low-level alarm when the oxygen concentration is above the normal
range or when it is the reverse.
High Alarm Trigger:
This parameter is available only for O
. Determine whether to generate
a high-level alarm when the oxygen concentration is above the normal
range or when it is the reverse.
3.2 Behavior Options
These behavior options are available.
Travel Mode:
With this option enabled, the travel menu item becomes visible and us-
Stealth Mode:
With this option enabled, the gas detector only vibrates without beeping
and flashing when an alarm occurs.
Alarm Latch:
With this option enabled, when an alarm occurs, the detector continues
beeping, flashing and vibrating for a specified period of time even after
the alarm condition is cleared. To acknowledge a latched alarm, press
the button.
Time zone:
Specify the time zone where the detector is used.
Automatically adjust clock for Daylight Savings Time:
Determine whether to use daylight saving time.
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