11. Appendix - Integration of a wallpaper
There is the possibility to use an own logo as wallpaper (e.g. company logo). The import can take
place via the integrated card reader. The card reader is located under the flap of the upper side of
the housing. Importing a wallpaper requires:
- SD/SD-HC memory card ( 16 GB).
- PC/Laptop with card reader.
- Knowledge about handling pixel graphics.
2. Copy the created graphic as bmp file to the root directory of MMC or SD memory card, the
extension of the file name must be .bmp. Be sure a file exists only once and the file name has
the extension .bmp.
3.. Disconnect the device from the power supply! Insert the memory card into the card reader of
the operating unit. To do this, open the flap on top of the housing and push in the memory card
(contacts downside and front visible) until a click is audible.
4. Connect the power supply during active tamper contact (operating panel not replaced into the
mounting plate). The bootloader starts.
5. The bootloader copies the .bmp file into the system flash (duration ca. 1 minute, please
observe the messages on the display). Disconnect the operating unit from the power supply
and remove the memory card.
6. After commissioning the new logo will be displayed.
18. Jan 2010
Ready for internal
Mounting and Connection Instructions TouchCenter Keypad TFT BUS-2 19
160 pixel
79 pixel
Ready for
internal arming
28. Jan. 2010
Create logo as a .bmp-file with an (ideal) size of
160 x 79 pixel. With an 8-Bit colour depth (256
colours) the image will be displayed in
transparency mode - the colour of the pixel of the
upper left-hand angle of the bitmap graphic (logo)
will be displayed transparent in the entire graphic,
i. e. this colour is not visible.
A maximum size of 640 x 480 pixel is allowed, but
in that case the images will be converted to 320 x
240 pixel (portrait or landscape format).
The logo will be displayed in the upper right-hand
With the slideshow implementation
there is also the possibility to use
any image of the slideshow as
standard wallpaper (current home
screen, see user manual „slideshow
settings“ menu).