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“EC Declaration of Conformity” CONTENT OUTLINE


Português ( Portuguese )

Declaração CE de Conformidade

1. O abaixo assinado, *2, representante do fabricante, 

Declara que a máquina abaixo descrito  

cumpre todas as estipulações relevantes da:

* Directiva 2006/42/CE de máquina

* Directiva 2004/108/CE de compatibilidade 


* Directiva 2006/95/CE no domínio do material eléctrico 

destinado a ser utilizado dentro de certos limites de 


* Directiva 2011/65/UE relativa à restrição do uso de 

determinadas substâncias perigosas em equipamentos 

eléctricos e electrónicos

2. Descrição da máquina

a) Denominação genérica : Robot corta relva

b) Função : corte de relva

c) Marca                                    d) Tipo

e) Número de série

3. Fabricante com capacidade para compilar 

documentação técnica

4. Referência a normas harmonizadas

5. Outras normas ou especificações

6. Feito em                         

7. Data

Polski ( Polish )

Deklaracja Zgodności WE

1. Niżej podpisany *2, reprezentujący

producenta, niniejszym deklaruje , że urządzenie 

opisane poniżej spełnia wszelkie właściwe 


* Dyrektywy maszynowej 2006/42/WE

* Dyrektywy Kompatybilności Elektromagnetycznej


* Dyrektywy 2006/95/WE odnoszącej się do sprzętu

elektrycznego przewidzianego do stosowania w

określonych granicach napięcia

* Dyrektywy 2011/65/UE w sprawie ograniczenia 


niektórych niebezpiecznych substancji w sprzęcie

elektrycznym i elektronicznym

2. Opis urządzenia:

a) Nazwa ogólna: Robot koszący

b) Funkcja: ścinanie trawy

c) Nazwa handlowa             d) Typ

e) Numer seryjny

3. Producent oraz osoba upoważniona do  

przygotowania dokumentacji technicznej

4. Zastosowane normy zharmonizowane

5. Pozostałe normy lub specyfikacje

6. Miejsce 

7. Data

Suomi / Suomen kieli (Finnish)


1. Allekirjoittanut valmistajan edustaja *2 vakuuttaa täten, 

että alla mainittu kone/tuote täyttää kaikki seuraavia 


* Konedirektiivi 2006/42/EY

* Direktiivi 2004/108/EY sähkömagneettinen 


* direktiivi 2006/95/EY tietyllä jännitealueella toimivia 

sähkölaitteita koskevan jäsenvaltioiden lainsäädännön 


* direktiivi 2011/65/EU tiettyjen vaarallisten aineiden 

käytön rajoittamisesta sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteissa


a) Yleisarvomäärä :  Robottiruohonleikkuri

b) Toiminto : ruohon leikkaus

c) KAUPALLINEN NIMI                d) TYYPPI


3. Valmistaja ja teknisten dokumenttien laatia



6. TEHTY               


Magyar ( Hungarian )

EK-megfelelőségi nyilatkozata

1. Alulírott *2, mint a gyártó képviselője nyilatkozom, 

hogy az általunk gyártott gép megfelel az összes, alább 

felsorolt direktívának:

* 2006/42/EK Direktívának berendezésekre

* 2004/108/EK Direktívának elektromágneses 


* irányelv 2006/95/EK a meghatározott  

feszültséghatáron belüli használatra elektromos 


* Tanács 2011/65/EU egyes veszélyes anyagok 

elektromos és elektronikus berendezésekben való 

alkalmazásának korlátozásáról

2. A gép leírása

a) Általános megnevezés : Robotfűnyíró

b) Funkció : fű levágása

c) Kereskedelmi nevét            d) Tipus

e) Sorozatszám

3. Gyártó és képes összeállítani a műszaki 


4. Hivatkozással a szabványokra

5. Más előírások, megjegyzések

6. Keltezés helye

7. Keltezés ideje

Cestina (Czech)

ES – Prohlášení o shodě

1. Zástupce výrobce, *2 svým podpisem potvrzuje, 

že stroj popsaný níže splňuje požadavky příslušných 


* Směrnice 2006/42/ES pro strojní zařízení

* Směrnice 2004/108/ES stanovující technické 

požadavky na výrobky z hlediska elektromagnetické 


* Rady 2006/95/ES týkajících se elektrických zařízení 

určených pro používání v určitých mezích napětí

* Rady 2011/65/EU o omezení používání některých 

nebezpečných látek v elektrických a elektronických 


2. Popis zařízení

a) Všeobecné označení : Robotická sekačka

b) Funkce : Sekání trávy

c) Obchodní název                     d) Typ

e) Výrobní číslo

3. Výrobce a osoba pověřená kompletací technické 


4. Odkazy na harmonizované normy

5. Ostatní použité normy a specifikace

6. Podepsáno v                  

7. Datum

Latviešu (Latvian)

EK atbilstības deklarācija

1. Zemāk minētais *2, kā ražotāja pārstāvis ar šo 

apstiprina, ka zemāk aprakstītie mašīna, atbilst visām 

zemāk norādīto direktīvu sadaļām:

* Direktīva 2006/42/EK par mašīnām

* Direktīva 2004/108/EK attiecībā uz elektromagnētisko 


* Direktīvu 2006/95/EK uz elektroiekārtām, kas 

paredzētas lietošanai noteiktās sprieguma robežās

* Direktīva 2011/65/ES par dažu bīstamu vielu 

izmantošanas ierobežošanu elektriskās un elektroniskās 


2. Iekārtas apraksts

a) Vispārējais nosukums : Robotizētie zāles pļāvēji

b) Funkcija : zāles pļaušana

c) Komercnosaukums                    d) Tips

e) Sērijas numurs

3. Ražotājs, kas spēj sastādīt tehnisko  


4. Atsauce uz saskaņotajiem standartiem

5. Citi noteiktie standarti vai specifikācijas

6. Vieta                          

7. Datums

Slovenčina (Slovak)

ES vyhlásenie o zhode

1. Dolupodpísaný pán *2 zastupujúci výrobcu týmto 

vyhlasuje, že uvedený strojové je v zhode  

s nasledovnými smernicami:

* Smernica 2006/42/ES (Strojné zariadenia)

* Smernica 2004/108/ES (Elektromagnetická 


* Rady 2006/95/ES týkajúcich sa elektrického zariadenia 

určeného na používanie v rámci určitých limitov napätia

* Rady 2011/65/EÚ o obmedzení používania určitých 

nebezpečných látok v elektrických a elektronických 


2. Popis stroja 

a) Druhové označenie : Robotická kosačka

b) Funkcia : Kosenie trávy

c) Obchodný názov               d) Typ

e) Výrobné číslo

3. Výrobca a schopný zostaviť technickú  


4. Referencia k harmonizovaným štandardom

5. Ďaľšie štandardy alebo špecifikácie

6. Miesto                   

7. Dátum

Eesti (Estonian)

EÜ vastavusdeklaratsioon

1. Allakirjutanu, *2, kinnitab tootja volitatud esindajana, et 

allpool kirjeldatud masina vastab kõikidele alljärgnevate 

direktiivide sätetele:

* Masinate direktiiv 2006/42/EÜ

* Elektromagnetilise ühilduvuse direktiiv 2004/108/EÜ

* direktiiviga 2006/95/EÜ teatavates pingevahemikes 

kasutatavaid elektriseadmeid

* direktiiv 2011/65/EL teatavate ohtlike ainete 

kasutamise piiramise kohta elektri- ja 


2. Seadmete kirjeldus

a) Üldnimetus : Robotniiduk

b) Funktsiooon : muru niitmine

c) Kaubanduslik nimetus                d) Tüüp

e) Seerianumber

3. Tootja, kes on pädev täitma tehnilist  


4. Viide ühtlustatud standarditele

5. Muud standardid ja spetsifikatsioonid

6. Koht                        

7. Kuupäev

Slovensčina (Slovenian)

ES izjava o skladnosti

1. Spodaj podpisani, *2, ki predstavljam proizvajalca, 

izjavljam da spodaj opisana stroj ustreza vsem 

navedenim direktivam:

* Direktiva 2006/42/ES o strojih

* Direktiva2004/108/ES o elektromagnetni združljivosti

* Direktive 2006/95/ES v zvezi z električno opremo, 

konstruirano za uporabo znotraj določenih napetostnih

* Direktiva 2011/65/EU o omejevanju uporabe nekaterih 

nevarnih snovi v električni in elektronski opremi

2. Opis naprave

a) Vrsta stroja : Robotska kosilnica

b) Funkcija : košenje trave

c) Trgovski naziv

d) Tip

e) Serijska številka

3. Proizvajalec ki lahko predloži tehnično  


4. Upoštevani harmonizirani standardi

5. Ostali standardi ali specifikacij

6. Kraj                          

7. Datum

Lietuvių kalba (Lithuanian)

EB atitikties deklaracija

1. Žemiau pasirašes, p. *2 atstovaujantis gamintoją, 

deklaruoja, kad žemiau aprašyta mašina atitinka visas 

išvardintų direktyvų nuostatas:

* Mechanizmų direktyva 2006/42/EB

* Elektromagnetinio suderinamumo direktyva 


* direktyvą 2006/95/EB susijusių su elektrotechniniais 

gaminiais, skirtais naudoti tam tikrose įtampos ribose

* direktyva 2011/65/ES dėl tam tikrų pavojingų medžiagų 

naudojimo elektros ir elektroninėje įrangoje apribojimo

2. Prietaiso aprašymas

a) Bendras pavadinimas : Robotai vejapjovės

b) Funkcija : žolės pjovimas

c) Komercinis pavadinimas          d) Tipas

e) Serijos numeris

3. Gamintojas ir galintis sudaryti techninę  


4. Nuorodos į suderintus standartus

5. Kiti standartai ir specifikacija

6. Vieta                       

7. Data

Български (Bulgarian)

ЕО декларация за съответствие

1. Долуподписалият се *2, 

представляващ производителя, с настоящото 

декларирам, че машините, описани по-долу, 

отговарят на всички съответни разпоредби на:

* Директива2006/42/ЕО относно машините

* Директива 2004/108/ЕО относно електромагнитната 


* Директива 2006/95/ЕО във връзка с електрическото 

оборудване, предназначено за използване при някои 

ограничения на напрежението

* Директива 2011/65/ЕС година относно 

ограничението за употребата на определени опасни 

вещества в електрическото и електронното 


2. Описание на машините

а) Общо наименование  : косачка-робот

b) Функция : косене на трева

с) Търговско наименование          d) Тип

e) Сериен номер

3. Производител и отговорник за съставяне на 

техническа документация

4. Съответствие с хармонизирани стандарти

5. Други стандарти или спецификации

6. Място на изготвяне       

7. Дата на изготвяне

Norsk  (Norwegian) 

EF- Samsvarserklæring

1. Undertegnede, *2 representerer produsenten og 

herved erklærer at maskineri beskrevet nedenfor innfrir 

relevant informasjon fra følgende forskrifter.

* Maskindirektivet 2006/42/EF

* Direktiv EMC: 2004/108/EF            Elektromagnetisk 


* Direktiv 2006/95/EF relatert til eletrisk utstyr laget for 

bruk innenfor visse spenningsgrenser.

* Direktiv 2011/65/EU om restriksjoner av bruk av visse 

farlige matrialer i eletrisk og eletronisk utstyr. 

2. Beskrivelse av produkt

a) Felles benevnelse : Robot gressklipper

b) Funksjon : Klippe gress

c) Handelsnavn                      d) Type

e) Serienummer

3. Produsent og i stand til å utarbeide den tekniske 


4. Referanse til harmoniserte standarder

5. Øvrige standarder eller spesifikasjoner

6. Sted                                     

7. Dato

Türk (Turkish)

AT Uygunluk Beyanı

1. Aşağıda imzası bulunan *2, üreticinin adina, bu yazıyla 

birlikte aşağıdaki makine ile ilgili tüm hükümlülüklerin 

yerine getirildiğini beyan etmektedir:

* Makina Emniyet Yönetmeliği 2006/42/AT

* Elektromanyetik Uyumluluk Yönetmeliği 2004/108/AT

* 2006/95/AT belirli voltaj aralıklarında kullanılmak üzere 

dizayn edilmiş ekipmanlar hakkındaki yönetmelik

* 2011/65/AB elektrikli ve elektronik ekipmanlarda bazı 

tehlikeli maddelerin kullanımının yasaklanmasına ilişkin 


2. Makinanın tarifi

a) Kapsamlı adlandırma : Robotik çim biçme makinası

b) İşlevi : Çimlerin kesilmesi

c) Ticari adı          d) Tipi

e) Seri numarası

3. Teknik dosyayı hazırlamakla yetkili olan  

Toplulukta yerlesik İmalatçı

4. Uyumlaştırılmış standartlara atıf

5. Diğer standartlar veya spesifikasyonlar

6. Beyanın yeri :           

7. Beyanın tarihi :



1. Undirritaður, Mr *2, fyrir hönd framleiðandans, lýsir hér 

með yfir því að vélin sem lýst er  

hér að neðan samræmist öllum gildandi ákvæðum 


*Leiðbeiningar fyrir vélbúnað 2006/42/EB

*Leiðbeiningar fyrir rafsegulsvið 2004/108/EB

*Tilskipun 2006/95/EB varðandi rafknúin tæki sem notast 

innan tiltekins volta ramma og

* Tilskipun 2011/65/EU varðandi leiðbeiningar um notkun 

á hættulegum efnum í raf og rafeinda búnaði

2. Lýsing á vélbúnaði

a) Flokkur : Sjálfstýrð sláttuvél

b) Virkni : Gras slegið

c) Nafn         d) Tegund

e) Seríal númer

3. Framleiðandi og fær um að taka saman  


4. Tilvísun um heildar staðal

5. Aðrir staðlar eða sérstöður

6. Gert hjá           

7. Dagsetning


EK Izjava o sukladnosti

1. Potpisani, *2, u ime proizvođač, ovime izjavljuje da 

strojevi navedeni u nastavku ispunjavaju sve važeće 


* Propisa za strojeve 2006/42/EK

* Propisa o elektromagnetskoj kompatibilnosti 


* Direktiva 2006/95/EK se odnosi na električnu opremu 

predvidjenu za koristenje unutar odredjenih naponskih 


Direktiva 2011/65/EU  o ograničenju odredjenih opasnih 

supstanci u elektricnoj i elektronskoj opremi.

2. Opis strojeva

a) Opća vrijednost : Robot kosilica za travu

b) Funkcionalnost : rezanje trave

c) Komercijalni naziv         d) Tip

e) Serijeski broj

3. Proizvođač i osoba za sastavljanje tehničke 


4. Reference na usklađene norme

5. Ostale norme i specifikacije

6. U           

7. Datum

Содержание HRM 310

Страница 1: ...Honda Robotic Lawnmower HRM310 520 Owner s Manual Original Instructions EN Honda Robotic Lawnmower HRM310 520 Owner s Manual Original Instructions EN...

Страница 2: ......

Страница 3: ...attention to statements preceded by the following words N WARNING Indicates a strong possibility of severe personal injury or death if instructions are not followed CAUTION Indicates a possibility of...

Страница 4: ...M page 49 Operation Work Auto According to settings the lawnmower works automatically Storage M page 70 Maintenance Periodic inspection and maintenance M page 63 Maintenance procedures M page 63 Safe...

Страница 5: ...ystem 49 Language 49 Display Sound 49 Date and Time 50 Security 51 Factory reset 52 Help 52 5 USAGE 53 Checking the mowing area 53 Connecting to a power source 53 Checking the lawnmower 54 Turning on...

Страница 6: ...he start points from which the Honda Robotic Lawnmower will start mowing Mowing start points allow your lawnmower to reach other areas which are difficult to access Some mowing start points can be set...

Страница 7: ...across a slope that is steeper than 10 Lay the boundary wire laterally across a relatively flat space with a slope of less than 10 that comes after the location where the slope is more than 10 17 Refe...

Страница 8: ...ocal regulations may restrict the age of the operator Keep in mind that the operator or user is responsible for accidents or hazards occurring to other people or their property Observe the following p...

Страница 9: ...the outlet and contact your dealer Also do not touch the damaged part of the power supply cord If there are any holes such as rabbit holes etc in the work area fill them in so that the work area is l...

Страница 10: ...d and transformer with wet hands Do not touch the power outlet House cord and transformer if the power outlet House power cord or transformer is wet Perform periodic checks to confirm that no dust dir...

Страница 11: ...and well being For further information on the disposal of this product please contact your dealer or your nearest domestic waste collection service Model type Serial No Cutting width Year of manufact...

Страница 12: ...nt the lawnmower to operate Length for HRM310 200 m Length for HRM520 300 m Charging plug Screw Quantity 7 The lawnmower recharges at the docking station and returns to the docking station when mowing...

Страница 13: ...set Home The lawnmower will return to the docking station Name of the first level menu Display The home screen and menus can be seen here while the lawnmower is turned on On button Press to turn on t...

Страница 14: ...tion directly on the lawn cut the grass on which the docking station will be located as short as possible Because of a wrong installation of the docking station the lawnmower may not be charged Type 2...

Страница 15: ...ler More than 15 cm Areas which the lawnmower might fall into Lay fence around areas which the lawnmower might fall into such as uneven ground ponds pools driveways or other areas with differences in...

Страница 16: ...dary wire Boundary wire of the another robotic lawnmower Docking station Boundary wire Boundary wire of the another robotic lawnmower More than 1 m More than 3 m If you want to use an additional robot...

Страница 17: ...NOTE If your dealer already configured the setup wizard the setup wizard screen is not displayed Turning on the power After the battery is charged press the A On button to turn on the lawnmower The A...

Страница 18: ...s 4 Italiano 5 Nederlands Set 2 Initial setup Select language 1 English 2 Svenska 3 Norsk 4 Espa ol 5 Polski Set 3 Initial setup Select language 1 English 2 Dansk 3 Fran ais 4 Suomalainen 5 e tina 2 E...

Страница 19: ...he work timer to operate the lawnmower according to the schedule Work day and work time Seasonal work time NOTE Before starting the setup wizard confirm the completion of installing the docking statio...

Страница 20: ...with the displayed image Select OK and press the H button NOTE For detail see Conditions for installing the docking station M page 12 Garden layout 2 7 Station connector OK 1 8 Select Yes or No to th...

Страница 21: the charging station Mowing start points Are additional start points needed Yes No 2 3 Select Clockwise or Anticlockwise enter the values of the distance from the docking station to start cutting a...

Страница 22: ...H button The information of the selected start point is displayed Test start points 5 7 Point 0 400m 1 8 0 m 2 1 5 0 m 3 6 0 m 4 0 m 5 0 m 0 Home NEXT Test start points Point1 Location CW 80m Close co...

Страница 23: ...ower is docked at the docking station press the manual STOP button The control panel cover pops up 3 9 Select Yes or No to the question of the test result and press H button If you select Yes Mowing s...

Страница 24: ...f you select 1 Auto fill up timer go to step 4 3 If you select 2 Manual setup go to step 4 4 NOTE If you don t know the details on the work timer settings select 1 Auto fill up timer or contact your d...

Страница 25: ...ek Monday 1 2 4 6 Press the G button to return to the previous screen 4 7 Select OK and press the H button 4 8 If desired select start points to be used each day by pressing the H button to select the...

Страница 26: ...ngs contact your dealer Setup wizard top screen is displayed and 4 Work timer is checked Work timer 7 7 JAN 0 0 0 JUL 1 0 0 FEB 0 0 0 AUG 1 0 0 MAR 0 4 0 SEP 0 8 0 APR 0 6 0 OCT 0 4 0 MAY 0 8 0 NOV 0...

Страница 27: ...ettings 6 Setup wizard The menu consists of multiple levels of submenus The uppermost levels are as follows Menu name Usage See this page for information 1 Work timer For setting the work day and work...

Страница 28: length Mowing pattern Point1 Operating time Wire overlap Capacity for homing BG color Spiral cutting Home Keypad Advanced setting Point5 Work history Home Point 1 Point 1 Wire overlap Point 5 Point...

Страница 29: ...other days of week select Copy to week and the H button 5 Press the G button to return to the previous screen Work timer 6 7 Select days to copy All MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN Yes No Work timer From...

Страница 30: ...ednesday the lawnmower starts mowing from point 1 point 2 or point 3 From Thursday to Friday the lawnmower starts mowing from point 3 point 4 or point 5 Home screen J 1 Work timer J 2 Mowing start poi...

Страница 31: ...e number buttons 2 Select OK and press the H button to return to the previous screen Set the ratio of the mowing time for each month Seasonal timer JAN 0 3 0 JUL 0 7 0 FEB 0 3 0 AUG 0 6 0 MAR 0 7 0 SE...

Страница 32: ...tton 3 Select Wheel speed and configure the wheel speed level with which you want the lawnmower to operate by pressing the up down arrow buttons 4 Press the H button 5 Select Timer and enter a start t...

Страница 33: ...nmower smoothly turn from the boundary wire the recommended value of the Wire overlap is 20 cm Setting the distance to the start point Until the lawnmower reaches a set starting point in an area it wi...

Страница 34: ...ding moving along the same path you can avoid creating wheel tracks in the grass The numerical values of this table are for reference to return the lawnmower to the docking station along a straight li...

Страница 35: ...button NOTE By selecting TEST you can check the settings of each start point before mowing For details see Test start point M page 44 4 Press the G button to return to the previous screen Mowing start...

Страница 36: ...and the Directional mowing pattern at regular intervals You can adjust how the lawnmower moves while mowing The Mixed setting is also available With this setting the lawnmower alternates between the R...

Страница 37: ...s for the first time on selected day s You can also configure the day s of the week on which you want the lawnmower to mow along the boundary wire 2 days per week maximum 1 Select ON or OFF for config...

Страница 38: ...dense area of lawn during the normal operation 1 Select ON or OFF for configuring the spiral cutting and press the H button If you select ON go to step 2 The lawnmower can be focused on mowing the are...

Страница 39: ...tion and the start of the narrow passage Configure the distance of the narrow passages from the docking station to let the lawnmower pass through them NOTE Specify the distance from start to end of ea...

Страница 40: ...y wire it turns at a wide angle This is the most effective for mowing a large open area of grass For normal operation use this setting Mixed With the Mixed setting the lawnmower alternates between the...

Страница 41: ...the H button 4 Select NEXT and press the H button 5 Select ON or OFF for configuring the spiral cutting and press the H button 6 Select NEXT and press the H button If you select ON go to step 7 If yo...

Страница 42: ...tion M page 12 1 Select Clockwise CW or Anticlockwise ACW 2 Press the H button Home screen J 2 Garden setup J 3 Garden layout J 2 Wire length You can configure the information of your garden layout to...

Страница 43: width 0 10 cm 1 25 cm 2 30 cm 3 35 cm 4 40 cm 5 45 cm 6 50 cm 7 60 cm 8 70 cm 9 80 cm 10 90 cm The field strength varies depending on the length of the boundary wire The field becomes weaker with a...

Страница 44: ...50 2 Press the H button Home screen J 2 Garden setup J 4 Homing setup J 0 Home You can test if the lawnmower will correctly return to the docking station NOTE Perform this test when the lawnmower is n...

Страница 45: ...nal You can check if the boundary wire signal is correctly reaching the lawnmower and confirm how strong the signal is Home screen J 3 Diagnostics J 1 Check signal Signal level indication Signal stren...

Страница 46: ...the selected point settings 3 Select Yes and press the H button 4 Close the control panel cover The lawnmower starts to the selected start point When the test is correctly finished the lawnmower roll...

Страница 47: The lawnmower returns to the docking station 4 When the lawnmower is docked at the docking station press the manual STOP button The control panel cover pops up The message Do you want to modify the...

Страница 48: ...4 History J 1 Operating history J 1 Operating time You can view how long the lawnmower has mowed and how long the lawnmower has charged 1 Check the history 2 Press the G button to return to the previo...

Страница 49: Use the E F buttons to change pages Each time the lawnmower leaves the docking station after recharging a new entry is created in the history list The most recent entry is 01 and the oldest entr...

Страница 50: ...information is displayed For details on faults see 6 TROUBLESHOOTING M page 60 3 Press the G button to return to the previous screen 17 01 Fri Fault history 1 3 A 0 3 6 2 8 0 8 1 2 11 2 3 2 3 A 0 2 4...

Страница 51: the previous screen Display Sound Home screen J 5 System settings J 2 Display Sound J Contrast You can set the contrast of the control panel display 1 Change the contrast level by pressing the up d...

Страница 52: ...button to return to the previous screen Date and Time You can set the internal date and time for the lawnmower Home screen J 5 System settings J 3 Date and Time Set the date and time for the lawnmowe...

Страница 53: ...times in a row 1 Select ON 2 Press the H button NOTE To disable this function select OFF 3 Press the G button to return to the previous screen Home screen J 5 System settings J 4 Security J 2 Create...

Страница 54: ...this command 1 Input your PIN and press the H button 2 Select Yes 3 Press the H button After the message Activated is displayed the power turns off Help You can get the information of the lawnmower su...

Страница 55: ...the grass using a standard lawnmower Connecting to a power source Follow the steps below when connecting to a power source Follow these steps in reverse when disconnecting from a power source For det...

Страница 56: ...docking station is correctly connected with the power cord a power failure has occurred Contact your dealer NOTE If the lawnmower is not correctly connected to the docking station the battery cannot...

Страница 57: ...n Number When turning the lawnmower on you must enter the PIN 1 Enter the PIN using the number buttons NOTE To change the PIN see 4 MENU SETTINGS M page 25 17 01 Fri PIN code Input your PIN _ _ _ _ Re...

Страница 58: ...he H button 2 If the Auto is displayed on the Home screen go to step 2 If the Man is displayed on the Home screen press the D button until the Auto is displayed For details on the icons in the screen...

Страница 59: ...ass at once If you want to cut more than 5 mm it should be done gradually in steps of 5 mm maximum per week Example decreasing from 50 to 30 mm should require 4 weeks with 5 mm steps 1 Press the manua...

Страница 60: ...ed and verify that there are no other problems Cleaning the lawnmower and docking station Dirt and grass may accumulate on the top and bottom of the lawnmower docking station and charging plug during...

Страница 61: the B Off button 2 Close the control panel cover 3 Pick up the lawnmower by the carrying area Lift the lawnmower with one hand from the rear side with the blades pointed away from you Always ho...

Страница 62: with the control panel cover closed Clock Reset The backup battery power has drained during long term storage The clock has been reset Set the current date and time The time must be in 24 hour for...

Страница 63: ...sage disappears If the message does not disappear contact your dealer Mower lifted The cover has been lifted by something e g a stone Enter the PIN so that the message disappears If the cover is heavi...

Страница 64: ...s pressed but the H button was not pressed before closing the control panel cover The lawnmower is in inactive mode Another cause could be that the machine is in Home mode The lawnmower in the Auto mo...

Страница 65: ...aster ball bearing bush Check 2 Replace if necessary 2 Frame inside Clean 2 Frame seals Replace 2 Obstruction sensors case springs and lift washer Check or clean 2 Replace 2 Docking station boundary w...

Страница 66: ...n the lawnmower off before performing the following procedures NOTE Do not wash the lawnmower with water The lawnmower may be damaged Cleaning the body Exterior Clean dirt and grass off of the lawnmow...

Страница 67: ...ton N WARNING Do not touch the blades with your hands Do not lift the lawnmower off of the ground while checking or cleaning it Check item s Action Manual STOP button and control panel cover Normal op...

Страница 68: ...on Docking station Gap between the docking station s charging plug and the lawnmower s charging socket Check if there is a gap between the docking station s charging plug and the lawnmower s charging...

Страница 69: ...nance procedures Checking the docking station screws Check item s Action Docking station Loosened screws of the docking station Visually inspect the screws If they are loose tighten them with a flat b...

Страница 70: ...g it Check the blades nuts and blade disc for problems Check item s Action Blades and nuts Damage to the blades Visually inspect the blades If they are damaged replace the blades See Replacing the bla...

Страница 71: ...Hold the base of the blade disc with a 24 mm spanner so that the blade disc does not rotate when you rotate the nuts 3 Remove the nut from each blade with a 8 mm spanner 4 Replace the blades insert ea...

Страница 72: ...he ground Spray electrical contact cleaner on boundary wire terminals before encasing them in a waterproof box e g electrical junction box to ensure they do not corrode over the winter period Honda re...

Страница 73: ...ery Li ion 22 2 V 1800 mAh Li ion 22 2 V 3600 mAh Transformer Input AC 230 V AC 230 V AC 240 V AC 230 V AC 230 V AC 230 V AC 240 V AC 230 V Output 26 0 V 2 3 A Mowing Blade motor speed 2500 rpm Normal...

Страница 74: ...4 Carry the lawnmower to the desired area For details on carrying the lawnmower see 7 MAINTENANCE M page 63 5 Press the manual STOP button The control panel cover pops up 6 Press the A On button on t...

Страница 75: ...time of the work timer configured in the Auto mode 2 Press the B Off button on the control panel The power turns off 3 Place the lawnmower in a area that is near the docking station 4 Press the A On b...

Страница 76: ...8 Press the H button The power turns on and the startup screen on the control panel is displayed 9 Press the G button to return to the Home screen 10 Close the control panel cover The lawnmower return...

Страница 77: ...e mail ventas aucasa com e mail taller aucasa com Honda Motor Europe Ltd 470 London Road Slough Berkshire SL3 8QY Tel 44 0 845 200 8000 http www honda co uk AS Domzale Moto Center D O O Blatnica 3A 12...

Страница 78: ...stric iile de utilizare a anumitor substan e periculoase n echipamentele electrice i electronice 2 Descrierea echipamentului a Denumire generica Masina de tuns robotizata b Domeniu de utilizare tunder...

Страница 79: vy c Obchodn n zov d Typ e V robn slo 3 V robca a schopn zostavi technick dokument ciu 4 Referencia k harmonizovan m tandardom 5 a ie tandardy alebo pecifik cie 6 Miesto 7 D tum Eesti Estonian E va...

Страница 80: ...uage System settings P 49 M Manual mode Garden setup Manual mode P 38 Mowing pattern Garden setup Manual mode P 38 Mowing start points Garden setup Auto mode Mowing start point P 33 Mowing start Point...

Страница 81: ...79 LAWN DIAGRAM...

Страница 82: ...start point M page 19 Starting points Direction From station to start point Area percentage Point 1 CW ACW m Point 2 CW ACW m Point 3 CW ACW m Point 4 CW ACW m Point 5 CW ACW m Work timer M page 22 Da...

Страница 83: ...CW From m To m 3 Direction CW ACW From m To m 4 Direction CW ACW From m To m Shortcut wire Home screen J 2 Garden setup J 3 Garden layout J 2 Wire length Yes No Passage width Homing Home screen J 2 Ga...

Страница 84: ...p wizard M page 15 Maintain the area before the lawnmower starts mowing Configure the operation mode timer and other settings Checking the garden M page 53 Removing foreign objects from the area M pag...

Страница 85: ...connections M page 66 Blade conditions M page 68 Checking the parts M page 63 65 Cleaning and replacing the blades M page 70 Cleaning the lawnmower M page 64 Cleaning the docking station M page 66 Di...

Страница 86: ......

Страница 87: ......

Страница 88: ...xxxx xxxx xx xxxx xxxx xx 32VP7621 00X32 VP7 6210 Honda Motor Co Ltd 2015 HRM520K1 HRM310K1 xxxx xxxx xx xxxx xxxx xx 32VP7621 00X32 VP7 6210 Honda Motor Co Ltd 2015 HRM520K1 HRM310K1...
