14-6. GAIN KEY
This adjusts the sensitivity to distinguish the bottom or fish school easily.
41 steps of sensitivity from 0 to 40 is displayed in bar or digit. (
41 Page )
Optimum sensitivity is that second reflection from bottom is barely displayed.
[Second reflection]
First received echo reflected from bottom is called the first reflection.
It’s first reflection reflected from the surface of water goes toward the bottom again.
The next reflection from bottom is called the second reflection.
Normally, it’s second reflection is shown on the twice depth of the actual bottom
(first reflection).
<Too poor sensitivity>
As image is pale, it is
difficult to distinct the
fish school.
As second reflection is
shown, it is easy to
distinct the fish school.
<Too much sensitivity>
As plankton, stains in
water, and etc. are
shown, it is difficult to
distinct the fish.