Potential Problems
Fan blades
don't rotate
Fan is too noisy
Fan wobbles
during use
Common Solutions
Check fuses and/or circuit breakers and reset if needed.
Cut off power to the fan and check its internal electrical
Replace the remote control batteries.
Check that the fan cover is correctly placed and no screws
interfere with the movement of the blades.
Contact customer service to replace a faulty remote control.
Check that all screws and fasteners are well tightened.
Ensure the canopy housing has a short distance between
itself and the ceiling.
Upon initial installation, allow 24 hours of use for the machine
to break itself in.
Cut off power to the fan and check that the wire nut connections
are not rubbing against one another or the inner housing.
If you have installed a solid-state variable-speed control, cut
off power to the fan and disconnect this control from the
device. See if using the remote resolves the problem, which
can be caused by erratic signals from such controls.
Check that all screws and fasteners are well tightened.
Use the provided blade balancing kit to adjust the blades if
their tips are found to be an unequal distance from the ceiling
while well fastened.
Exchange the position of the various blades.
Again, do not bend the blades during any of these procedures.
Thank you for your purchase! If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate contact us
. We'll resolve your problem ASAP! Customers are always the
best teachers to keep us growing!