Troubleshooting Tips
Are your devices communicating with Security Shuttle?
How to reset the camera if the app tells you to do so:
• Use the wrench to open the cover which is located on the bottom of camera.
• Make sure the camera is powered off first. Press down the RESET button, then power on the camera,
continue holding down the RESET button for around 10 seconds until the IR LED goes off.
• Return to the app and follow the onscreen instructions.
Need help installing your Home8 system?
Call 1-844-800-6482, Mon-Fri 9am-7pm, Pacific.
http:// www.home8alarm.com/download/
[email protected]
• If your devices don’t connect to Security Shuttle, they might be too far away. Take them to a location
that’s closer to Security Shuttle and try again.
• If they do connect, you’ll know the range of your sensor and where to install a range extender.
• Alternatively, you can move Security Shuttle closer to your device.
• If your devices still don’t communicate with Security Shuttle, even when they’re in the same room,
navigate to > Device Management > + on the Home8 app to add your devices again.
Step 3: Set up your smartphone
Your phone will disrupt the setup process if it goes to sleep. So before you register your devices,
disable the autolock feature on your smartphone. You can enable it after you’ve set up your system.
• Connect your smartphone to your home Wi-Fi
• Download the Home8 app from the App Store or Google Play
• Follow the on-screen instructions and set up your account