SAA 902 | Version 1.03
Product identification
Chip extraction unit
Item number
SAA 902
Stuermer Maschinen GmbH
Dr.-Robert-Pfleger-Str. 26
D-96103 Hallstadt
0049 (0) 951 96555 - 55
E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.holzstar.de
Information about the operating instructions
Original operating instructions
Published: 19.01.2021
Version: 1.03
Language: English
Copyright information
Copyright © 2021 Stürmer Maschinen GmbH, Hallstadt,
Stürmer Maschinen GmbH is the sole owner of the con-
tent of these operating instructions.
Forwarding and reproduction of this document as well as
use and notification of its content is not permitted without
explicit consent. Infringements will lead to claims for da-
Subject to technical changes and errors.
1 Introduction ............................................. 3
1.1 Copyright ............................................................ 3
1.2 Customer service................................................ 3
1.3 Disclaimer ........................................................... 3
2 Safety ....................................................... 3
2.1 Legend of symbols.............................................. 3
2.2 Operator responsibility........................................ 4
2.3 Operating staff qualification ................................ 4
2.4 Personal protective equipment ........................... 5
2.5 Safety labels on the Chip extraction unit ............ 5
2.6 General safety aspects ....................................... 6
2.7 Safety measures when dealing with electricity ... 7
2.8 Safety measures for the use of tools .................. 7
2.9 Safety measures for processing ......................... 7
2.10 Safety measures during maintenance and
servicing ............................................................. 8
2.11 Safety check .................................................... 8
3 Intended Use .......................................... 8
3.1 Residual risks ..................................................... 8
4 Description of the device ....................... 9
4.1 Machine .............................................................. 9
4.2 Scope of supply .................................................. 9
5 Technical Data......................................... 9
5.1 Table................................................................... 9
5.2 Type plate ........................................................... 9
5.3 Accessories ........................................................ 9
6 Transport, packaging, storage............. 10
6.1 Delivery and transport....................................... 10
6.2 Packaging ......................................................... 10
6.3 Storage ............................................................. 10
6.4 Installation and connection ............................... 10
6.5 Requirements to the installation location .......... 10
6.6 Assembly of the extraction system ................... 10
6.7 Setting up the chip extraction unit..................... 12
6.8 Commissioning of the chip extraction unit ........ 13
6.9 Electrical connection......................................... 13
6.10 Static charge................................................... 13
7 Operation ............................................... 13
7.1 Switch on .......................................................... 13
7.2 Switch off .......................................................... 13
7.3 Emptying the chip collecting bag ...................... 13
7.4 Transport of the extraction system ................... 13
8 Care, maintenance and repair ............. 14
8.1 Cleaning............................................................ 14
9 Troubleshooting.................................... 15
10 Disposal, reusing used machines ..... 15
10.1 Decommissioning ........................................... 15
10.2 Disposal of electrical equipment ..................... 15
10.3 Disposal via municipal collection points.......... 15
11 Spare parts .......................................... 16
11.1 Ordering spare parts....................................... 16
11.2 Spare parts drawing........................................ 17
12 Electrical schematic ........................... 18
13 EC - Declaration of Conformity.......... 19