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Micro OSD V2
Plug the FTDI adapter using a USB cable into your computer and wait for any device drivers to install,
they should install automatically. You should see the amber coloured LED on the HolyBro Micro OSD
V2 flickering to show that it is communicating. Open the folder with the configurator in and run the
file called OSD_Config.exe on your computer. When it opens, select the correct COM port for the
FTDI Adapter at the bottom of the screen and click on ‘Read from OSD’. You can then select each of
the tabs to change the Configuration, and the two default layouts of the OSD.
In the first tab called ’Config’ you can change the units, warning levels and the channel on the flight
controller that will cause the two setup OSD screens to ‘toggle’. Disable this if you are not planning
on having two different OSD screens. Remember to select the ‘Save Current Tab to OSD’ in the
bottom, right corner to make sure you don’t lose any of your changes.