P a g e
Kakute F4 AIO
Initial Configuration
The full configuration of Betaflight could take hours to document. In this section, we’ll describe a few
things that are specific to this board. This won’t be enough to get you into the air, so we’ll also point you
to some videos you can watch if you’re not perfectly sure what else you need to do. Even people have a
few builds under their belt may be skipping some important steps without realizing it!
Connect to The Board
Plug the board in to USB. Start Betaflight Configurator. You should see “COM3” (or some other number)
in the upper-right menu. Click “Connect”.
The GUI will load.
Click on the “Ports” tab on the right side of the window.
USB VCP is the port that is used to talk between the Kakute F4 AIO and the Configurator GUI.
MSP is the protocol that they use to talk to each other. If you ever turn off MSP on USB VCP, you
will not be able to contact the board any more via the Configurator. You will have to re-flash the
board and erase your configuration to get back into it. Suffice it to say, this is bad, and you
shouldn’t do it.
Don’t ever turn off MSP on the USB VCP line in the Ports tab.
If you are using FrSky SmartPort telemetry: on the UART1 line, in the Telemetry Output column,
choose SmartPort from the pulldown menu.
On the UART3 line, enable “Serial RX”.