User Manual
Version 1.0 20
Turn On/Off the following equipment as desired: vacuum pump, compressor,
heater upper, heater lower, vacuum valve (Figure 15).
Figure 15
When the freeze-drying process is finished, open the drain valve first and when
the chamber is unpressurized, open the door to retrieve the product.
Note: After the vacuum pump has been running for more than 5 minutes, if
there’s no obvious chamber pressure change detected, an error message will
appear. This applies to both the manual and program freeze-drying mode.
Shelf temperature, chamber temperature and chamber vacuum are displayed in
real time.
Please note: When operating in manual control mode, please ensure that product
is fully frozen before opening the vacuum valve. Opening the vacuum valve while
there is still liquid in the chamber may damage or cause premature wear to your
vacuum pump.
Note: the freeze-dryer will automatically start the compressor to cool the chamber
and shelves when powering on the system. Disabling the compressor can only be
done in the Manual Control mode.