background image



Step 4: Pause for 3 seconds.
Step 5: Operation time: 30 seconds, speed: 4.
Step 6: Pause for 4 seconds.
Step 7: Reverse rotations, speed: 2, operation time: 25 seconds.


5 seconds before the operation ends, a beep will be heard. Then the 

device will switch to the standby mode. 



Add flour: 500 g, water: 285 g, sugar: 10 g, butter: 10 g, salt: 10 g, dry yeast: 15 g.

Step 1: Operation time: 45 seconds, speed: 3.
Step 2: Pause for 3 seconds.
Step 3: Reverse rotations, speed: 3, operation time: 40 seconds.
Step 4: Pause for 3 seconds.
Step 5: Operation time: 45 seconds, speed: 4.
Step 6: Pause for 4 seconds.
Step 7: Reverse rotations, speed: 2, operation time: 40 seconds.


5 seconds before the operation ends, a beep will be heard. Then the 

device will switch to the standby mode.


Work with ready recipes

Caution! If the speed setting information is missing in any recipe, select 1. 

1.  Turn on the device.

2.  Connect the app to the device if you want to control the device using the app.

3.  Open the app.
4.  Select the Recipes 

 icon. On the phone and device display, 12 recipe 

categories will be shown.

5.  Select the category – the recipes from the selected category will only show on 

the phone screen, if you control using the app, or on the device display, if you 

control using the control panel.

6.  Select the recipe – the recipe details will only show on the phone screen if you 

are using the app, or on the device display, if you are using the control panel. You 

may display all the steps one by one.

7.  Select the START button on the phone or on the device.


The information regarding the first step, along with the time, temperature, and 

speed settings, will be shown on both displays – on the phone screen and on 

the device.

9.  Press the Start button on the phone or on the device to start operation.

10.  5 seconds before the step ends, a beep will be heard.

11.  After each step, the device will stop, and the parameters will be reset.

Содержание Chef Express T9532


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Страница 36: ...and dough kneading Following the instructions in this manual will ensure safe installation and use of the device The device is intended for private indoor use only 1 Childrenmust not usethedevice Keep...

Страница 37: ...reme caution when touching the blades emptying the bowl as well as during cleaning 8 Observe particular caution when pouring a hot liquid into the bowl as the liquid may spew out from the device due t...

Страница 38: ...t hotels motels and in other accommodations guesthouses 15 The device body and the power cord must not be immersed in water or any other liquids 16 WARNING There is a risk of injury if the device is n...

Страница 39: ...not immerse the power cord its plug or the device heating part in water or any other liquid so as to avoid electric shock 29 Do not hang the power cord over the edge of a table or sink 30 Donotuseane...

Страница 40: dishes the amount of ingredients in the bowl must not exceed the marking in the bowl 47 Do not overfill the device 48 The spatula is only intended for emptying the device Do not use it while the d...

Страница 41: ...ectronic equipment see the DISPOSAL section of this manual The device is intended for private indoor use only Disconnect the device from the power source Caution Hot surface Symbol indicating that the...

Страница 42: ...342 5 OVERVIEW Q P...

Страница 43: ...Blade gasket F Bowl G Nut H Stirrer butterfly I Body J Control panel with buttons and display K O I switch L Start Pause button M Lid for steam cooking inserts N Steam cooking insert flat steam cooki...

Страница 44: ...t is not touched the device will soon revert to the previous operating speed Each time you press this button the device resumes operation at the highest speed Caution This button cannot be used when t...

Страница 45: ...ual Caution For the sake of children s safety do not leave any packaging materials accessible and unattended plastic bags cardboard boxes Styrofoam etc Risk of suffocation Openthepackagingandcarefully...

Страница 46: ...or checking the current condition of the cooked dish e g when you are at home but in a different room and you do not want to go to the device every now and again to check the remaining cooking time or...

Страница 47: ...oppy disc icon in the top right corner to confirm 4 The calendar will remind about the saved record precisely at the selected time 5 To see the saved calendar events press the icon in the top right co...

Страница 48: ...the control panel press 3 app functions icon then own recipes select the requested one then follow the steps as for the recipes saved in the device and in the app 5 Adding to favorites 6 To create a...

Страница 49: ...the nut with the other hand Caution 1 The blades are very sharp Be careful Only hold the blade s upper part 2 The blade gasket must be installed on the blades If the airtight ring is not installed any...

Страница 50: pulling it up should be impossible 6 To remove the measuring cup twist it counter clockwise and take it out Caution Inside the bowl there is a scale with the maximum level marked The span between t...

Страница 51: ...5 Place the measuring cup on the bowl lid Caution Risk of scalding with hot steam and hot condensed water Hot steam and hot condensed water are dangerous Exercise utmost care Caution Do not touch the...

Страница 52: ...O Use this combination for a larger amount of the same food e g vegetables potatoes or larger pieces of meat or sausages 1 Install the blades in the bowl see 7 5 Assembly disassembly subparagraph b B...

Страница 53: results when whipping cream whisking mayonnaise or egg whites 1 Hold the stirrer s flat end place it in the bowl on the previously installed blades a characteristic click will be heard it means t...

Страница 54: ...B operating speed from 1 to 10 1 is the lowest speed 10 is the highest speed C temperature from 30 to 200 C Caution You may change the settings during the device operation 1 When the device is ready...

Страница 55: ...he spatula again and melt for 1 minute 30 seconds speed 1 50 C B WHIPPED EGG WHITES 1 Add 4 eggs a pinch of salt Step 1 Install the stirrer butterfly Step 2 Pour the whites into the bowl Whip for 4 mi...

Страница 56: ...e basket Insert into the device Sprinkle with 1 tsp of salt Add water so that its level is 1 cm above the potatoes Cook for 15 minutes speed 1 temperature 120 C Other examples of products and guidelin...

Страница 57: ...s quarters 800 g 15 minutes FRUIT Peaches halves 500 g 10 minutes Pears quarters 500 g 12 minutes Apples quarters 500 g 12 minutes Apricots halves 500 g 10 minutes Plums halves 500 g 12 minutes MEAT T...

Страница 58: ...n time 17 minutes speed 1 target temperature 120 C Tips The time may be reset before and during the device operation if necessary 5 seconds before the operation ends a beep will be heard Then the devi...

Страница 59: in any recipe select 1 1 Turn on the device 2 Connect the app to the device if you want to control the device using the app 3 Open the app 4 Select the Recipes icon On the phone and device display...

Страница 60: ...utton 2 When 0000 is shown on the display put the food into the bowl 3 Read the number shown on the display This is the net weight unit g of the added food 4 Click the button in the pop up window the...

Страница 61: 1 hour If the error persists despite setting the bowl properly return the device to the dealer for repair 8 CLEANING AND CARE 8 1 Basic principles Proper and regular cleaning will ensure safe opera...

Страница 62: ...r forms of utilizing used equipment you make a significant contribution to the protection of our natural environment 4 Information on electric and electronic devices collection locations is available...

Страница 63: ...nd post warranty service is provided by QUADRA NET Sp z o o tel 61 853 44 44 mobile 664 44 88 00 e mail infolinia quadra net com www www quadra net pl Your opinion is important to us Evaluate our prod...

Страница 64: ...tail as possible in particular of the external manifestations of the defect 4 A warranty card without the vendor s stamp and signature or sale date is invalid 5 The warranty excludes products with phy...
