3. Chassis 21
EU Directive 1230/2012 applies at a European level for calcu-
lating the masses and resultant additional loads for vans. The
terms and basis used for calculations are explained below.
1. Technically permissible overall mass
Information regarding the technically permissible maximum
weight is based on Hobby Wohnwagenwerk's specification in
cooperation with the manufacturers of the previous construc-
tion stages (Fiat). This mass takes into account the speci-
fic operating conditions that are based on the model of the
van and its performance, including such factors as material
strength, load-carrying capacity of the axles and tyres, etc. For
safety reasons, this mass must never be exceeded!
2. Mass when the vehicle is ready to start
The mass when ready to drive is equal to the weight of the em-
pty vehicle including lubricants, tools, spare tyre (or tyre repair
kit), petrol (90 %), ancillary battery, all of the standard equipment
installed by the factory as well as 75 kg for the driver. In addition,
the masses for the fresh water and gas storage containers, which
have been filled to 100 % of their total capacity, must be added.
The masses are calculated in detail as follows:
3.3.2 Definition of masses for vans
a) Supply of liquefied petroleum gas
Number of built-in gas regulators:
Weight of an 11 kg aluminium bottle:
Weight of 11 kg gas inflation
b) Liquids
95 l fresh water tank:
10 l hot water heater (heating):
Total basic equipment
121 kg