9. Gas
The following applies to stop valves and valves:
• All the valves on gas devices must be closed while driving.
• To open the valves: turn them towards the gas line, i.e. the
gas cock must be turned to a horizontal position.
• No firing point may be in operation when filling the petrol
tank of your vehicle on ferries or in the garage.
Gas shutoff valves and valves
A corresponding gas stop valve has been built in for each gas
device that has been installed. These gas taps can be used to
interrupt the flow of gas to each device. Each tap has been la
belled with an icon for the corresponding device.
Should you suspect a leak in the gas system, immediately
close the shutoff valves in the vehicle and the gas bottle
valves in the gas bottle container.
Over the years, vibrations can cause slight leakages to
occur. If you suspect that there are leakages, have your
dealer or an authorised workshop for gas facilities check
your system.
Never carry out leak tests near an open flame.
Place of installation of gas shutoff valves
in the seating bench, accessible via the furniture flap on
the side
Gas shutoff valves