Remote control
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Automatic cleaning key/Thursday
Spot cleaning key/Friday
Time set key/Tuesday
Timing key/Monday
UV sterilizing key/Wednesday
Automatic recharching key/Sunday
Speed selection key/Saturday
Turn off/cancel
Il will work automatically alter the battery id full
Confirmation key
Forward key
Back key
Turn left key
Turn right key
Keys in total
Using method & functional status of control panel
The following steps are very important, or the remote control may fail.
1. You should check code of the remote contrai or cleaner.
2. Check the remote contrai and cleaner have enough power, turn off the cleaner, press OK on the remote
contrai for more !han 4s, and then turn on the cleaner without releasing OK.
After the cleaner toots twice, release OK, then the code check set is finished.
3. If you fail ta hear toot du ring the code check, jus! repeat the above pracess .
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You can use the remote to a maximum range of 10 meters.