IOM_ACVIBA HE_35ia80i_207910_190501_EN
Time schedule
Examples of time schedule:
Full (working) day Schedule from 9:00am to 9:00pm
t1: Start
, “8:45”
t2, t3: without programming
, “--:--“
t4: stop
, “20:00”
t5, t6: without programming
, “--:--“
Split shift schedule 9:00-13:00 and 16:00-20:00
t1: Start
, “8:45”
t2: Stop because of midday absence or reduction to a
cheaper set-point.
t3: Start or back to the normal set-point because presence.
t4: Stop. End of the day
. “20:00”
t5, t6: without programming
, “--:--“
Domestic schedule
t1: start
, “7:00”
t2: Stop because of absence or decrease to a cheaper set-
t3: Start or back to the normal set-point
t4: Stop because of absence or decrease to a cheaper set-
t5: Start or back to the main set-point.
t6: Night stop or back to a cheaper set-point.
Keep the button
pressed during 3 seconds mi
nimum until “
” appears (if
the stated hour is not correct you can change it here): turn the central button and
chose “
Time band
” or select “
” to leave.
In general so as to move through the different displays, turn the central button
and select by pressing it.
Turn the central button to select the desired schedule type:
- Select if you want a different schedule day by day, the same schedule for all week
(displays all days) or one from Monday to Friday and other from Saturday to
Sunday. Press the central button to select the desired day or days.
By turning the button you can select 6 different displays that correspond to 6
different moments of the day (see displays).
- A temperature set-point is set for each display if you want the unit to be operating
or we program “OFF” if we want it to be stopped. We set the hour when it will be
If we select “
“ instead of an hour, the display will be deprogrammed
and it will not activate.
- The hour that we can select for each display will always be greater than the hour
of the previous display.
- It is not possible to modify the operation mode.
- Press ESC display to exit.
- The icons on the display are meant as guide symbols only and the user can select
the hours according to his personal needs.
- After the final time section (t6) the next one will be t1 the following day.