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Following Regulation EU No. 517/2014 on Certain Fluorinated Greenhouse gases, it is mandatory to fill in the label attached to the unit with the total amount 

of refrigerant charged on the installation.

Do  not  vent  R410A  into  the  atmosphere:  R410A  are  fluorinated  greenhouse  gases  covered  by  the  Kyoto  protocol  global  warming  potential  

(GWP) R410A = 2088.

Tn of CO2 equivalent of fluorinated greenhouse gases contained is calculated by indicated GWP * Total Charge (in kg) indicated in the product label and 

divided by 1000.


De acuerdo con el reglamento UE Nº 517/2014 sobre determinados gases fluorados de efecto invernadero, es obligatorio rellenar la etiqueta suministrada 

con la unidad con la cantidad total de refrigerante con que se ha cargado la instalación.

No  descargue  el  R410A  en  la  atmósfera:  R410A  son  gases  fluorados  cubiertos  por  el  protocolo  de  Kyoto  con  un  potencial  de  calentamiento  global  

(GWP) = 2088.

Las Tn de CO2 equivalente de gases fluorados de efecto invernadero contenidos se calcula por el PCA indicado * Carga Total (en kg) indicada en la etiqueta 

del producto y dividida por 1000.


Folgende Verordnung EG Nr. 517/2014  Bestimmte fluorierte Treibhausgase, auf dem Schild, das sich am Gerät befindet, muss die Gesamtkältemittelmenge 

verzeichnet sein, die bei der Installation eingefüll wird.

Lassen sie R410A nicht in die luft entweichen: R410A sind fluorierte treibhausgase, die durch das Kyoto-protokoll erfasst sind. Sie besitzen folgendes treib


hauspotential (GWP) R410A = 2088.

Die Menge an CO2-Äquivalent fluorierte Treibhausgase enthalten (in Tn) wird von GWP * die auf dem Produktetikett angegebenen Gesamtfüllmenge (in kg) 

und durch 1000 geteilt berechnet.


En fonction de la Réglementation CE Nº 517/2014 concernant certains gaz à effet de serre fluorés, il est obligatoire de remplir l’étiquette attachée à l’unité en 

indiquant la quantité de fluide frigorigène qui a été chargée à l’installation.

Ne laissez pas le R410A se répandre dans l’atmosphère: le R410A sont des gaz à effet de serre fluorés, couverts par le protocole de Kyoto avec un potentiel 

de rechauffement global (PRG) R410A = 2088.

Les Tn d’équivalent-CO2 de gaz à effet de serre fluorés contenus est calculé par le PRG * Charge Totale (en kg) indiquée dans l’étiquette du produit et divisé 

par 1,000.


In base alla Normativa EC Nº 517/2014 su determinati gas fluorurati ad effetto serra, è obbligatorio compilare l’etichetta che si trova sull’unità inserendo la 

quantità totale di refrigerante caricato nell’installazione.

Non scaricare R410A nell’atmosfera: R410A sono gas fluorurati ad effetto serra che in base al protocollo di Kyoto presentano un potenziale riscaldamento 

globale (GWP) R410A = 2088.

Le Tn di CO2 equivalente di gas fluorurati ad effetto serra contenuti si calcola dal GWP indicato * Carica Totale (in kg) indicato nella etichetta del prodotto e 

diviso per 1000.


Em conformidade com a Regulamentação da UE Nº 517/2014 sobre determinados gases fluorados com efeito de estufa, é obrigatório preencher a etiqueta 

afixada na unidade com a quantidade total de refrigerante  carregada na instalação.

Não ventilar R410A para a atmosfera: o R410A são gases fluorados com efeito de estufa abrangidos pelo potencial de aquecimiento global (GWP) do pro


tocolo de Quioto = 2088.

Tn de CO2 equivalente de gases fluorados com efeito de estufa é calculado pelo GWP indicado * Carga Total (em kg) indicado no rótulo de produto e dividido 

por 1000.


Henhold til Rådets forordning (EF) nr. 517/2014 om visse fluorholdige drivhusgasser, skal installationens samlede mængde kølevæske fremgå at den etiket, 

der er klæbet fast på enheden.

Slip  ikke  R410A  ud  i  atmosfæren:  R410A  er  fluorholdige  drivhus-gasser,  der  er  omfattet  af  Kyoto-protokollens  globale  opvarmningspotentiale  

(GWP) R410A = 2088.

Tn af CO2-ækvivalent af fluorholdige drivhusgasser er beregnet ved angivet GWP * Samlet Charge (i kg) er angivet i produktets etiket og divideret med 1000.


Conform richtlijn EC Nº 517/2014 voor bepaalde fluorbroeikasgassen, dient u de tabel in te vullen op de unit met het totale koelmiddelvolume in de installatie.

Laat geen R410A ontsnappen in de atmosfeer: R410A zijn fluorbroeikasgassen die vallen onder het protocol van Kyoto inzake klimaatverandering global 

warming potential (GWP) R410A = 2088.

Tn van CO2-equivalent van fluorbroeikasgassen wordt berekend door het aangegeven GWP * Totale Hoeveelheid (in kg) aangegeven in het product label 

en gedeeld door 1000.


Enligt reglering EC Nº 517/2014 om vissa fluorhaltiga växthusgaser, måste etiketten som sitter på enheten fyllas i med sammanlagd mängd kylmedium som 

fyllts på under installationen.

Släpp  inte  ur  R410A  i  atmosfären:  R410A  är  fluorhaltiga  växthus-gaser  som  omfattas  av  Kyotoprotokollet  om  global  uppvärmnings-potential  

(GWP) R410A = 2088.

Tn av CO2-ekvivalenter fluorhaltiga växthusgaser beräknas genom indikeras GWP * Total Påfyllning (i kg) som anges i produktetiketten och divideras med 



Σύμφωνα  με  τον  Κανονισμό  517/2014/ΕΚ  για  για  ορισμένα  φθοριούχα  αέρια  θερμοκηπίου,  είναι  υποχρεωτική  η  συμπλήρωση  της  επισήμανσης  που 

επισυνάπτεται στη μονάδα με το συνολικό ποσό ψυκτικού που εισήχθη κατά την εγκατάσταση.

Μην απελευθερωνετε R410A στην ατμοσφαιρα. Τα R410A ειναι φθοριουχα αερια του θερμοκηπιου που εμπιπτουν στο πρωτοκολλο του κυοτο δυναμικο 

θερμανσησ του πλανητη (GWP) R410A = 2088.

Tn ισοδύναμου CO2 φθοριούχων αερίων θερμοκηπίου που περιέχονται υπολογίζεται από υποδεικνύεται GWP * Συνολική πλήρωση (σε kg) που αναφέρεται 

στην ετικέτα του προϊόντος και χωρίζονται από το 1000.

Содержание RAS-4-6FSVNME


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Страница 3: ...ile per eventuali errori di stampa che esulano dal proprio controllo Português As especificações apresentadas neste manual estão sujeitas a alterações sem aviso prévio de modo a que a HITACHI possa oferecer aos seus clientes da forma mais expedita possível as inovações mais recentes Apesar de serem feitos todos os esforços para assegurar que todas as especificações apresentadas são correctas quais...

Страница 4: ...āvāt jaunākās inovācijas Lai gan tiek pieliktas visas pūles nodrošinot ka visas specifikācijas ir pareizas drukāšanas kļūdas ir ārpus HITACHI kontroles HITACHI nevar būt atbildīga par šīm kļūdām Lietuvių Šio vadovo specifikacijos gali būti keičiamos be įspėjimo kad HITACHI galėtų pateikti savo klientams paskutines naujoves Nors dedamos visos pastangos siekiant užtikrinti kad visos specifikacijos b...

Страница 5: ...i effetti negativi sull ambiente e sulla salute e favorisce il riciclo dei materiali di cui è composta l apparecchiatura Non tentate di smontare il sistema o l unità da soli poichè ciò potrebbe causare effetti dannosi sulla vostra salute o sull ambiente Vogliate contattare l installatore il rivenditore o le autorità locali per ulteriori informazioni Lo smaltimento abusivo del prodotto da parte del...

Страница 6: ...sējošo vielu eļļu un citām sastāvdaļām kas atrodas gaisa kondicionētājā tā demontāža saskaņā ar piemērojamiem noteikumiem jāveic profesionālam uzstādītājam Sazinieties ar attiecīgajām iestādēm lai saņemtu plašāku informāciju ĮSPĖJIMAS Pasibaigus eksploatacijos laikui šis produktas neturi būti maišomas su buitinėmis atliekomis ir turi būti išmetamas laikantis aplinkosaugos požiūriu tinkamų vietinių...

Страница 7: ...mento globale GWP R410A 2088 Le Tn di CO2 equivalente di gas fluorurati ad effetto serra contenuti si calcola dal GWP indicato Carica Totale in kg indicato nella etichetta del prodotto e diviso per 1000 Português Em conformidade com a Regulamentação da UE Nº 517 2014 sobre determinados gases fluorados com efeito de estufa é obrigatório preencher a etiqueta afixada na unidade com a quantidade total...

Страница 8: ...0A ir fluorētas siltumnīcefekta gāzes uz kurām attiecas Kioto protokola globālās sasilšanas potenciāls GWP R410A 2088 Ietverto fluorētu siltumnīcefektu izraisošo gāzu CO2 ekvivalents Tn tiek aprēķināts GWP kopējā uzpilde kg kas norādīta produkta etiķetē dalot ar 1000 Lietuvių Pagal ES Nr 517 2014 reglamentą dėl tam tikrų fluorintų šiltnamio efektą sukeliančių dujų įrenginio etiketėje privaloma užp...

Страница 9: ...tità sull etichetta con inchiostro indelebile Quantità già caricata Carica aggiuntiva Carica totale e t CO2 2 Collocare l adesivo plastico di protezione consegnato assieme al Manuale Vedere Figura n 2 Português Instruções para preencher a etiqueta F Gas Label 1 Anote as quantidades na etiqueta com tinta indelével Carga de fábrica Carga adicional Carga total e t CO2 2 Coloque o adesivo plástico de ...

Страница 10: ...óban mellékelve Lásd a 2 ábrát Latviešu Norādījumi kā aizpildīt F gāzes etiķeti 1 Etiķeti ar neizdzēšamu tinti aizpildiet ar dzesētājvielas daudzumu Uzpilde rūpnīcā Papildu uzpilde Kopējā uzpilde un t CO2 2 Uzlīmējiet uz F gāzes etiķetes iekļauta plastmasas maisiņā ar rokasgrāmatu plastmasas aizsargplēvi Skatīt attēlu Nr 2 Lietuvių Instrukcijos F dujų etiketės užpildymui 1 Užpildykite etiketėje ne...

Страница 11: ...i denne ve jledning Denne installations og betjeningsvejledning gælder kun RAS FS V X NME enheder kombineret med HITACHI System Free indendørsenheder CODERING VAN DE MODELLEN Belangrijke opmerking Controleer aan de hand van de modelnaam welk type air conditioner u heeft hoe de naam wordt afgekort en hoe ernaar wordt verwezen in deze instructie handleiding Deze installatie en bedieningshandleiding ...

Страница 12: ...ual de instalare și operare se referă numai la unitățile RAS FS V X NME combinate cu unități interioare HITACHI System Free КОДИФИКАЦИЯ МОДЕЛЕЙ Важное примечание Пожалуйста проверьте в соответствии с названием модели который является вашим типом кондиционера как он сокращен и указан в настоящей инструкции Данное Руководство по установке и эксплуатации относится только к блокам RAS FS V X NME в соч...

Страница 13: ... RAS 4 6 FSVNME 1 2 3 4 11 6 7 8 9 10 5 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 16 17 21 11 11 ...

Страница 14: ... RAS 4 6 FSNME 1 2 3 4 11 6 7 8 9 10 5 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 16 17 21 11 11 ...

Страница 15: ... RAS 8 12 FSXNME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 20 21 22 10 16 11 23 SVG RVR2 RVR1 SVA MVB MV1 ...

Страница 16: ...AGGIO 11 Cablaggio elettrico 12 MESSA IN ESERCIZIO 13 PRINCIPALI DISPOSITIVI DI SICUREZZA ÍNDICE 1 INFORMAÇÃO GERAL 2 SEGURANÇA 3 ANTES DE UTILIZAR A UNIDADE 4 Acessórios fornecidos de fábrica 5 Transporte e manuseamento 6 INSTALAÇÃO DAS UNIDADES 7 NOME DAS PEÇAS 8 Trabalho de instalação da tubagem 9 Carga de refrigerante 10 TUBAGEM DE DESCARGA 11 Ligações elétricas 12 COLOCAÇÃO EM FUNCIONAMENTO 1...

Страница 17: ...tēšana un apstrāde 6 IERĪČU UZSTĀDĪŠANA 7 DETAĻU NOSAUKUMS 8 cauruļvadu darbs 9 Dzesētājvielas uzpilde 10 DRENĀŽAS CAURUĻVADI 11 Elektroinstalācija 12 NODOŠANA EKSPLUATĀCIJĀ 13 GALVENĀS DROŠĪBAS IERĪCES INDEKSAS 1 BENDROJI INFORMACIJA 2 SAUGUMAS 3 PRIEŠ PALEIDIMĄ 4 Gamykliniai priedai 5 Transportavimas ir tvarkymas 6 ELEMENTŲ MONTAVIMAS 7 DALIŲ PAVADINIMAI 8 vamzdžių darbai 9 Aušinimo medžiagos už...

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Страница 19: and safety devices of air conditioners It may also cause lubrication failure of the sliding part of the compressor due to deterioration of refrigerant oil In particular hydrocarbon refrigerants such as propane R441A R443A GF 08 etc are not allowed since these are combustible and may cause major accidents such as fire and explosion in case of improper handling Once a non specified refrig...

Страница 20: ...air conditioning unit If abnormally high pressure is applied to the elements in the air conditioning unit refrigerant cycle including the high pressure vessels these could explode resulting in serious injury or loss of life Location Structure Accumulator Compressor High pressure switch Contact point Pressure detected Connected to the electrical wire The label for the vessel under PED are attached ...

Страница 21: ...2 OD19 05 ID22 2 25 4 Liquid pipe OD9 52 ID12 7 Name Qty Comments Ring core only for RAS 4 6 FSVNME 2 Yellow for L N wire Green for Earth wire Cable tie only RAS 4 6 FSVNME 2 For attaching the ring core Declaration of conformity 1 Transparent label 1 For attaching in the refrigerant label Installation and operation manual 1 Installation and operation unit instructions CD ROM 1 Installation and ope...

Страница 22: ...hall be collected after cleaning Install the outdoor unit with sufficient clearance around it for operation and maintenance as shown in the next figures avoid obstacles that may hamper air intake Pay attention not to clamp cables when attaching the service cover to avoid electric shock or fire Aluminium fins have very sharp edges Pay attention to the fins to avoid injury 7 NAME OF PARTS 7 1 RAS 4 ...

Страница 23: ...installation 200 300 50 100 A L B 200 mm minimum of the back space is acceptable when the right and left sides are open Keep both right and left sides without obstacles Multiple installation two units or more 300 100 A B L 100 Keep both right and left sides without obstacles When subject to direct sunlight on the back wall ensure the length B be 500 or greater Obstacles on upper side Single instal...

Страница 24: ...s Multiple installation two units or more 100 A 150 A L B H Serial installation allowed up to two units Keep both right and left sides without obstacles Obstacles beside the unit Without obstacles on upper side Single installation 500 L 100 500 50 L Obstacles on upper side 500 1000 100 L 500 1000 50 L NAME OF PARTS PMML0511 rev 1 06 2019 24 ...

Страница 25: ...unit Obstacles on outlet side Single Installation Multiple Installation 300 1000 C 300 1000 C 100 Close the part C not to allow the outlet air bypassed Install to avoid the drain water from upper unit falling on the lower unit Serial side way installation allowed but leave open both right and left sides Serial multiple Installation in Multiple Rows 600 A 4000 L L L L A A A 600 3000 Allow approx 10...

Страница 26: ...Rubber Material Field Supplied Right side mm Left side Right side A B C A B C RAS 4 6 FS V NME 1109 116 30 1109 116 75 RAS 8 12 FSXNME 1173 110 34 5 1173 110 75 7 4 3 Suspending the unit Ensure that wall can resist the outdoor unit weight indicated in specification label plate It is recommended to select each foot support to bear the full weight of the unit in order to consider stress fatigue appl...

Страница 27: ...hall not contact directly to the pipes a For the front and side piping Side piping hole Side piping hole Front piping hole RAS 4 6 FS V NME RAS 8 12 FSXNME b For the downward piping Gas piping Knock out hole Bottom base Liquid piping Gas piping Liquid piping Gas piping RAS 4 6 FS V NME RAS 8 12 FSXNME c For the rear side piping Rear Cover RAS 4 6 FS V NME RAS 8 12 FSXNME Caution For RAS 8 12 FSXNM...

Страница 28: ...19 05 ID22 2 Gas pipe ø22 2 field supplied not used 1 2 3 Accessory pipe OD9 52 ID12 7 Accessory pipe OD19 05 ID25 4 Gas pipe ø25 4 field supplied Liquid pipe ø12 7 field supplied not used Heat recovery 8HP 10HP 1 2 3 Liquid pipe ø9 52 field supplied Gas pipe ø19 05 field supplied Accessory pipe OD19 05 ID15 88 Gas pipe ø15 88 field supplied 1 2 3 Gas pipe ø22 2 field supplied Gas pipe ø19 05 fiel...

Страница 29: ...ver 70 m for RAS 4 6 FS V NME or over 100 m for RAS 8 12 FSXNME the pipe size of liquid line of the main pipe should be increased by one size with reducers field supplied Pipe diameter after first branch or between multi kits Total indoor unit capacity after the first branch HP Gas Liquid 4 6 ø15 88 ø9 52 6 8 99 ø19 05 ø9 52 9 11 99 ø22 20 ø9 52 12 15 6 ø25 40 ø12 70 Note If the multi kit size is ...

Страница 30: ...o the same size as the main pipe diameter Pipe diameter for 2 pipes between CH Box and multi kit or between multi kits Total indoor unit capacity after the first branch HP Gas low pressure Liquid 6 ø15 88 ø9 52 6 8 99 ø19 05 ø9 52 9 11 99 ø22 20 ø9 52 12 15 6 ø25 40 ø12 70 Pipe diameter between multi kit and IU or between CH Box and IU Indoor unit capacity HP Gas Liquid 0 4 1 5 ø12 70 ø6 35 2 ø12 ...

Страница 31: is required according to piping length Ensure that the total additional refrigerant charge quantity should not exceed the max additional charge quantity shown in the table below Model Refrigerant charge before shipment W0 kg Maximum additional charge kg RAS 4FS V NME 3 7 9 3 RAS 5FS V NME 4 1 8 9 RAS 6FS V NME 4 1 8 9 RAS 8FSXNME 4 2 26 1 RAS 10FSXNME 5 5 26 1 RAS 12FSXNME 5 5 26 1 Determine th...

Страница 32: 1 Insert the rubber cap into the drain boss up to the extruded portions 2 Insert the boss into the unit base and turn approximately 40 degree counterclockwise 3 Drain boss is 32 mm O D 4 A drain pipe should be field supplied NOTE Do not use this drain boss set in a cold area because the drain water may freeze This drain boss is not sufficient to collect all the drain water If collecting drain w...

Страница 33: ...system are very close together induction in the wiring may arise due to a rapid change in the electricity consumption of the above consumers and their start up The power supply line of the unit must have an exclusive power control switch and a certified protective circuit breaker All the electric components in the installation main power switches circuit breakers earth leakage breakers wiring conn...

Страница 34: ...X TB3 TB4 PCB1 IU 4 6 5 3 7 8 9 10 A B C D TB3 TB4 PCB2 4 6 5 3 7 8 9 10 E F G H TB3 TB4 PCB3 4 6 5 3 7 8 9 10 I J K L 1 2 TB2 TB3 TB4 PCB1 4 6 5 3 7 8 A B C WC WC WC WC WC CH AP08MSSX CH AP12MSSX R L1 S L2 TB3 TB4 PCB4 4 6 5 3 7 8 9 10 M N O P CH AP16MSSX B B IU IU IU IU IU IU IU IU IU OU PS D OU G G OU 1 ELB Earth leakage breaker G CH Box 2 CB Circuit breaker WC Wired controler 3 S Main switch O...

Страница 35: ...allowed impedance Zmax of the system at the connection point of the user s power supply as per EN61000 3 11 MODEL Zmax Ω RAS 4 6 FSVNME 0 24 Harmonics In relation to EN61000 3 2 and EN 61000 3 12 the situation of harmonics for each model is as follows MODELS SITUATION REGARDING IEC 61000 3 2 AND IEC 61000 3 12 Ssc xx MODELS Ssc xx KVA Complying with IEC 61000 3 2 professional use RAS 4 6 FSNME Com...

Страница 36: ... Pipe length shorter than 5m Pipe length longer than 30m Control supporting existing piping Function selection setting mode External input output setting mode DSW3 supply voltage and system setting Setting not required 4HP 3 phase 5HP 3 phase 6HP 3 phase DSW4 RSW1 refrigerant system setting Setting required Set all the IU and the OU belonging to the same refrigerant cycle with the same cycle numbe...

Страница 37: ... required Factory setting DSW6 function setting low ambient setting Setting required Factory setting Cooling operation under low load operation Note Make sure to apply snow protection hood DSW7 supply voltage and system setting Setting required Factory setting 400 V Heat recovery system Heat pump system DSW8 high static pressure mode setting Setting required Factory setting HSP setting NOTE When a...

Страница 38: ...d control circuit wiring Only for RAS 4 6 FSVNME Cord clamp for fixing power source wiring and control circuit wiring RAS 4 6 FSNME 3N 400V 50Hz Wind the wire 3 times Cable tie Ring core Green Cable tie Wind the wire 4 times RAS 4 6 FSVNME 1N 230V 50Hz 11 4 2 For RAS 8 12 FSXNME 3 R S T MP N 1 2 Detail of terminal block for power source and control circuit 3N 400V 50Hz Cord clamp for fixing power ...

Страница 39: ...smission 1 and 2 Where the total insulation resistance of the unit is below 1 MΩ the compressor insulation resistance may be low due to the refrigerant held in the compressor This may occur if the unit is not used for long periods Disconnect the compressor cables and measure the insulation resistance of the compressor If the resistance value is greater than 1 MΩ the insulation fault has occurred i...

Страница 40: ...emains enabled when the compressor is at a standstill Model RAS 4 6 FSVNME RAS 4 6 FSNME RAS 8 12 FSXNME For Compressor Pressure Switches Automatic Reset Non Adjustable each one for each compressor High Cut Out MPa 4 15 Cut In MPa 3 20 Fuse capacity 1N 230V 50Hz A 50 3N 400V 50Hz A 32 50 Oil heater capacity W 24 24 40 8 x3 CCP Timer Non Adjustable Setting Time min 3 For Fan Module Fuse capacity 2 ...
