--- 23 ---
Wire with 1.5 to 3 mm dia.
(0.059" to 0.118")
Valve Bushing (B) [55]
Fig. 15
Pull out the Roll Pin D3 x 18 [52] with the roll pin
puller (3 mm (0.118") dia.), and take out the
control valve in the following manner.
1) Remove the Exhaust Cover [8] by following
the procedure in (1), section 10-2.
2) As shown in Fig. 14, put a 4 to 5 mm (0.157 to
0.197") dia. bar in from the upper side of the
Body Ass'y [21] and push the top of Valve
Piston (B) [59]. Now, the parts forming the
control valve can be taken out except Valve
Bushing (A) [64] and the Head Valve O-Ring
(I.D 16.8) [11].
Be careful not to damage Valve Piston (B) [59],
Valve Bushings (A) [64] and (B) [55], etc.
Do not pull out the end of Plunger (A) [62] with
3) To take out Valve Bushing (B) [55], put a 1.5 to
3 mm (0.059 " to 0.118 ") dia. wire with its end
hooked into the hole in the bushing and pull it
out while being careful not to damage the
internal surface of Valve Bushing (B) [55],
as shown in Fig. 15.
Plunger (A) [62]
Valve Bushing
(B) [55]
Head Valve O-Ring
(I.D 16.8) [11]
4 to 5 mm (0.157" to 0.197") dia. bar
Body Ass'y [21]
Valve Bushing (A) [64]
Valve Piston (B) [59]
Fig. 14
When disassembling,
do not pull out this
part by gripping it
with pliers.
Be careful not to
damage the internal