4 - 25
Error code
Contents of problem
Recognition of disc failed.
Reading of data from disc failed.
Disc physically damaged, i.g.,
scratched or distorted.
The optical pickup in disc drive unit
failed to move.
Recognition of disc failed. [This
message is likely to appear frequently
when the ambient temperature is too
low (0°C or less)].
1) Set the power switch to “POWER OFF”, reattach the
battery or AC adapter/charger, and then set the power
switch to “VIDEO” or “PHOTO” (disc).
Take care not to subject DZ-MV580A/MV550A to
impact or vibrations at this time.
2) Set the power switch to “POWER OFF”, remove the
disc and check whether or not it is dirty, scratched or
distorted. If it is dirty, clean it referring to the next
page, and then reload it. If it is scratched or distorted,
use another disc.
Then set the power switch to “VIDEO” or “PHOTO”
3) Replace the disc without regard as to whether it is
dirty, scratched or distorted.
Replace the disc.
1) Check the ambient temperature.
2) Set the power switch to “POWER OFF”, remove the
disc and check whether or not it is dirty, scratched or
distorted. If it is dirty, clean it, and then reload it. If it
is scratched or distorted, replace the disc.
Then set the power switch to “VIDEO” or “PHOTO”
3) Check to see whether or not condensation has
occurred. If condensation has occurred, set the power
switch to “POWER OFF” with the disc loaded, and
then leave the DZ-MV580A/MV550A in a dry place for
1-2 hours.
4) Replace the disc.
Table 4-5-1 Major Error Codes and Troubleshooting (1/2)
4-5-3 Major error codes and troubleshooting
Table 4-5-1 shows the error codes that are likely to frequently appear, and troubleshooting when
they appear.
If error codes other than those listed in Table 4-5-1 appear, check with the factory for
Troubleshooting > Self-Diagnosis Function and Troubleshooting
Use soft cloth to clean
from inner to outer
circumference in
axial direction.
[Never use solvent.]
Disc cleaning method: