Move to the directory where "elpfc_install.sh" exists, and then execute
"elpfc_install.sh" script.
Delete the created folder.
Installing LSI Software RAID
When using LSI Software RAID, make sure to install LSI Software RAID
Installing Utilities on page 3-2
Note: When using LSI Software RAID, make sure to execute this setting.
If you don't, the RAID setting is incomplete and the utility may not work
Menu items for LSI Software RAID setting utility:
LSI S/W RAID setting – 01 (Set the RAID setting)
LSI S/W RAID setting – 02 (Set the blacklist file)
Customizing /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
For CB2000, add the following to the last line.
This setting blocks loading drivers to prevent unnecessary devices from
being detected.
Reflecting the new settings
Reboot the OS to reflect the settings configured from step 1 through step
Adding/Updating Hitachi drivers
Installing RHEL 6 using the Driver & Utility CD will add or update some
If with the following condition, install the driver to load tools required for
Connected to the Hitachi disk array system with the hfcldd driver:
Reinstall the driver contained in the Driver & Utility CD attached to the
HITACHI Gigabit Fibre Channel Adapter.
Updating drivers
You can confirm the driver version using the following command.
#modinfo driver name
Download and utilize the latest driver.
Updating kernel
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
Hitachi Compute Blade Series OS Installation Guide for Red Hat Enterprise Linux